* Startup.cs : [Startup Class](../fundamentals/startup.md) - class configures the request pipeline that handles all requests made to the application. * Program.cs : [Program Class](../fundamentals/index.md) that contains the Main entry point of the application. * firstapp.csproj : [Project file](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core/preview3/tools/csproj) MSBuild Project file format for ASP.NET Core applications. Contains Project to Project references, NuGet References and other project related items. * appsettings.json / appsettings.Development.json : Environment base app settings configuration file. [See Configuration](xref:fundamentals/configuration). * bower.json : Bower package dependencies for the project. * .bowerrc : Bower configuration file which defines where to install the components when Bower downloads the assets. * bundleconfig.json : configuration files for bundling and minifying front-end JavaScript and CSS assets. * Views : Contains the Razor views. Views are the components that display the app's user interface (UI). Generally, this UI displays the model data. * Controllers : Contains MVC Controllers, initially *HomeController.cs*. Controllers are classes that handle browser requests. * wwwroot : Web application root folder. For more information see [The MVC pattern](xref:mvc/overview).