--- title: ASP.NET Core Web SDK author: tdykstra description: Overview of Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web. ms.author: tdykstra ms.date: 01/25/2023 uid: razor-pages/web-sdk --- # ASP.NET Core Web SDK :::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-3.0" ## Overview `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web` is an [MSBuild project SDK](/visualstudio/msbuild/how-to-use-project-sdk) for building ASP.NET Core apps. It's possible to build an ASP.NET Core app without this SDK, however, the Web SDK is: * Tailored towards providing a first-class experience. * The recommended target for most users. Use the Web.SDK in a project: ```xml ``` Features enabled by using the Web SDK: * Implicitly references: * The [ASP.NET Core shared framework](xref:fundamentals/metapackage-app). * [Analyzers](/visualstudio/extensibility/getting-started-with-roslyn-analyzers) designed for building ASP.NET Core apps. * The Web SDK imports MSBuild targets that enable the use of publish profiles and publishing using WebDeploy. ## Properties | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------- | | `DisableImplicitFrameworkReferences` | Disables implicit reference to the `Microsoft.AspNetCore.App` shared framework. | | `DisableImplicitAspNetCoreAnalyzers` | Disables implicit reference to ASP.NET Core analyzers. | | `DisableImplicitComponentsAnalyzers` | Disables implicit reference to Razor Components analyzers when building Blazor (server) applications. | For more information on tasks, targets, properties, implicit blobs, globs, publishing, methods, and more, see the [README file](https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/tree/main/src/WebSdk) in the [WebSdk](https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/tree/main/src/WebSdk) repository. :::moniker-end :::moniker range="< aspnetcore-3.0" ### Overview `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web` is an [MSBuild project SDK](/visualstudio/msbuild/how-to-use-project-sdk) for building ASP.NET Core apps. It's possible to build an ASP.NET Core app without this SDK, however, the Web SDK is: * Tailored towards providing a first-class experience. * The recommended target for most users. Use the Web.SDK in a project: ```xml ``` The Web SDK imports MSBuild targets that enable the use of publish profiles and publishing using WebDeploy. :::moniker-end