--- title: Blazor routing author: guardrex description: Learn how to route requests in apps and about the NavLink component. monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-3.0' ms.author: riande ms.custom: mvc ms.date: 05/14/2019 uid: blazor/routing --- # Blazor routing By [Luke Latham](https://github.com/guardrex) Learn how to route requests in apps and about the NavLink component. ## ASP.NET Core endpoint routing integration Blazor server-side is integrated into [ASP.NET Core Endpoint Routing](xref:fundamentals/routing). An ASP.NET Core app is configured to accept incoming connections for interactive components with `MapBlazorHub` in `Startup.Configure`: [!code-csharp[](routing/samples_snapshot/3.x/Startup.cs?highlight=5)] ## Route templates The `` component enables routing, and a route template is provided to each accessible component. The `` component appears in the *App.razor* file: In a Blazor server-side app: ```cshtml ``` In a Blazor client-side app: ```cshtml ``` When a *.razor* file with an `@page` directive is compiled, the generated class is provided a specifying the route template. At runtime, the router looks for component classes with a `RouteAttribute` and renders the component with a route template that matches the requested URL. Multiple route templates can be applied to a component. The following component responds to requests for `/BlazorRoute` and `/DifferentBlazorRoute`: [!code-cshtml[](common/samples/3.x/BlazorSample/Pages/BlazorRoute.razor?name=snippet_BlazorRoute)] `` supports setting a fallback component to render when a requested route isn't resolved. Enable this opt-in scenario by setting the `FallbackComponent` parameter to the type of the fallback component class. The following example sets a component defined in *Pages/MyFallbackRazorComponent.razor* as the fallback component for a ``: ```cshtml ``` > [!IMPORTANT] > To generate routes properly, the app must include a `` tag in its *wwwroot/index.html* file (Blazor client-side) or *Pages/\_Host.cshtml* file (Blazor server-side) with the app base path specified in the `href` attribute (``). For more information, see . ## Route parameters The router uses route parameters to populate the corresponding component parameters with the same name (case insensitive): [!code-cshtml[](common/samples/3.x/BlazorSample/Pages/RouteParameter.razor?name=snippet_RouteParameter&highlight=2,7-8)] Optional parameters aren't supported for Blazor apps in ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview. Two `@page` directives are applied in the previous example. The first permits navigation to the component without a parameter. The second `@page` directive takes the `{text}` route parameter and assigns the value to the `Text` property. ## Route constraints A route constraint enforces type matching on a route segment to a component. In the following example, the route to the Users component only matches if: * An `Id` route segment is present on the request URL. * The `Id` segment is an integer (`int`). [!code-cshtml[](routing/samples_snapshot/3.x/Constraint.razor?highlight=1)] The route constraints shown in the following table are available. For the route constraints that match with the invariant culture, see the warning below the table for more information. | Constraint | Example | Example Matches | Invariant
matching | | ---------- | ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------------------------: | | `bool` | `{active:bool}` | `true`, `FALSE` | No | | `datetime` | `{dob:datetime}` | `2016-12-31`, `2016-12-31 7:32pm` | Yes | | `decimal` | `{price:decimal}` | `49.99`, `-1,000.01` | Yes | | `double` | `{weight:double}` | `1.234`, `-1,001.01e8` | Yes | | `float` | `{weight:float}` | `1.234`, `-1,001.01e8` | Yes | | `guid` | `{id:guid}` | `CD2C1638-1638-72D5-1638-DEADBEEF1638`, `{CD2C1638-1638-72D5-1638-DEADBEEF1638}` | No | | `int` | `{id:int}` | `123456789`, `-123456789` | Yes | | `long` | `{ticks:long}` | `123456789`, `-123456789` | Yes | > [!WARNING] > Route constraints that verify the URL and are converted to a CLR type (such as `int` or `DateTime`) always use the invariant culture. These constraints assume that the URL is non-localizable. ## NavLink component Use a NavLink component in place of HTML `` elements when creating navigation links. A NavLink component behaves like an `` element, except it toggles an `active` CSS class based on whether its `href` matches the current URL. The `active` class helps a user understand which page is the active page among the navigation links displayed. The following NavMenu component creates a [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/) navigation bar that demonstrates how to use NavLink components: [!code-cshtml[](common/samples/3.x/BlazorSample/Shared/NavMenu.razor?name=snippet_NavLinks&highlight=4-6,9-11)] There are two `NavLinkMatch` options: * `NavLinkMatch.All` – Specifies that the NavLink should be active when it matches the entire current URL. * `NavLinkMatch.Prefix` – Specifies that the NavLink should be active when it matches any prefix of the current URL. In the preceding example, the Home NavLink (`href=""`) matches all URLs and always receives the `active` CSS class. The second NavLink only receives the `active` class when the user visits the Blazor Route component (`href="BlazorRoute"`). ## URI and navigation state helpers Use `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.IUriHelper` to work with URIs and navigation in C# code. `IUriHelper` provides the event and methods shown in the following table. | Member | Description | | ------ | ----------- | | `GetAbsoluteUri` | Gets the current absolute URI. | | `GetBaseUri` | Gets the base URI (with a trailing slash) that can be prepended to relative URI paths to produce an absolute URI. Typically, `GetBaseUri` corresponds to the `href` attribute on the document's `` element in *wwwroot/index.html* (Blazor client-side) or *Pages/\_Host.cshtml* (Blazor server-side). | | `NavigateTo` | Navigates to the specified URI. If `forceLoad` is `true`:
  • Client-side routing is bypassed.
  • The browser is forced to load the new page from the server, whether or not the URI is normally handled by the client-side router.
| | `OnLocationChanged` | An event that fires when the navigation location has changed. | | `ToAbsoluteUri` | Converts a relative URI into an absolute URI. | | `ToBaseRelativePath` | Given a base URI (for example, a URI previously returned by `GetBaseUri`), converts an absolute URI into a URI relative to the base URI prefix. | The following component navigates to the app's Counter component when the button is selected: ```cshtml @page "/navigate" @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components @inject IUriHelper UriHelper

Navigate in Code Example

@functions { private void NavigateToCounterComponent() { UriHelper.NavigateTo("counter"); } } ```