--- title: Host ASP.NET Core SignalR in background services author: bradygaster description: Learn how to send messages to SignalR clients from .NET Core BackgroundService classes. monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-2.2' ms.author: bradyg ms.custom: mvc ms.date: 02/04/2019 uid: signalr/background-services --- # Host ASP.NET Core SignalR in background services By [Brady Gaster](https://twitter.com/bradygaster) This article provides guidance for: * Hosting SignalR Hubs using a background worker process hosted with ASP.NET Core. * Sending messages to connected clients from within a .NET Core [BackgroundService](xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.BackgroundService). [View or download sample code](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/signalr/background-service/sample/) [(how to download)](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample) ## Wire up SignalR during startup Hosting ASP.NET Core SignalR Hubs in the context of a background worker process is identical to hosting a Hub in an ASP.NET Core web app. In the `Startup.ConfigureServices` method, calling `services.AddSignalR` adds the required services to the ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection (DI) layer to support SignalR. In `Startup.Configure`, the `UseSignalR` method is called to wire up the Hub endpoint(s) in the ASP.NET Core request pipeline. [!code-csharp[Startup](background-service/sample/Server/Startup.cs?name=Startup)] In the preceding example, the `ClockHub` class implements the `Hub` class to create a strongly typed Hub. The `ClockHub` has been configured in the `Startup` class to respond to requests at the endpoint `/hubs/clock`. For more information on strongly typed Hubs, see [Use hubs in SignalR for ASP.NET Core](xref:signalr/hubs#strongly-typed-hubs). > [!NOTE] > This functionality isn't limited to the [Hub\](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Hub`1) class. Any class that inherits from [Hub](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Hub), such as [DynamicHub](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.DynamicHub), will also work. [!code-csharp[Startup](background-service/sample/Server/ClockHub.cs?name=ClockHub)] The interface used by the strongly typed `ClockHub` is the `IClock` interface. [!code-csharp[Startup](background-service/sample/HubServiceInterfaces/IClock.cs?name=IClock)] ## Call a SignalR Hub from a background service During startup, the `Worker` class, a `BackgroundService`, is wired up using `AddHostedService`. ```csharp services.AddHostedService(); ``` Since SignalR is also wired up during the `Startup` phase, in which each Hub is attached to an individual endpoint in ASP.NET Core's HTTP request pipeline, each Hub is represented by an `IHubContext` on the server. Using ASP.NET Core's DI features, other classes instantiated by the hosting layer, like `BackgroundService` classes, MVC Controller classes, or Razor page models, can get references to server-side Hubs by accepting instances of `IHubContext` during construction. [!code-csharp[Startup](background-service/sample/Server/Worker.cs?name=Worker)] As the `ExecuteAsync` method is called iteratively in the background service, the server's current date and time are sent to the connected clients using the `ClockHub`. ## React to SignalR events with background services Like a Single Page App using the JavaScript client for SignalR or a .NET desktop app can do using the using the , a `BackgroundService` or `IHostedService` implementation can also be used to connect to SignalR Hubs and respond to events. The `ClockHubClient` class implements both the `IClock` interface and the `IHostedService` interface. This way it can be wired up during `Startup` to run continuously and respond to Hub events from the server. ```csharp public partial class ClockHubClient : IClock, IHostedService { } ``` During initialization, the `ClockHubClient` creates an instance of a `HubConnection` and wires up the `IClock.ShowTime` method as the handler for the Hub's `ShowTime` event. [!code-csharp[The ClockHubClient constructor](background-service/sample/Clients.ConsoleTwo/ClockHubClient.cs?name=ClockHubClientCtor)] In the `IHostedService.StartAsync` implementation, the `HubConnection` is started asynchronously. [!code-csharp[StartAsync method](background-service/sample/Clients.ConsoleTwo/ClockHubClient.cs?name=StartAsync)] During the `IHostedService.StopAsync` method, the `HubConnection` is disposed of asynchronously. [!code-csharp[StopAsync method](background-service/sample/Clients.ConsoleTwo/ClockHubClient.cs?name=StopAsync)] ## Additional resources * [Get started](xref:tutorials/signalr) * [Hubs](xref:signalr/hubs) * [Publish to Azure](xref:signalr/publish-to-azure-web-app) * [Strongly typed Hubs](xref:signalr/hubs#strongly-typed-hubs)