--- title: ASP.NET Core Blazor environments author: guardrex description: Learn about environments in Blazor, including how to set the environment. monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-3.1' ms.author: riande ms.custom: mvc ms.date: 02/09/2024 uid: blazor/fundamentals/environments --- # ASP.NET Core Blazor environments [!INCLUDE[](~/includes/not-latest-version.md)] This article explains how to configure and read the [environment](xref:fundamentals/environments) in a Blazor app. When running an app locally, the environment defaults to `Development`. When the app is published, the environment defaults to `Production`. We recommend the following conventions: * Always use the "`Development`" environment name for local development. This is because the ASP.NET Core framework expects exactly that name when configuring the app and tooling for local development runs of an app. * For testing, staging, and production environments, always publish and deploy the app. You can use any environment naming scheme that you wish for published apps, but always use app setting file names with casing of the environment segment that exactly matches the environment name. For staging, use "`Staging`" (capital ":::no-loc text="S":::") as the environment name, and name the app settings file to match (`appsettings.Staging.json`). For production, use "`Production`" (capital ":::no-loc text="P":::") as the environment name, and name the app settings file to match (`appsettings.Production.json`). ## Set the environment :::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-8.0" The environment is set using any of the following approaches: * Blazor Web App: Use any of the approaches described in for general ASP.NET Core apps. * Blazor Web App or standalone Blazor WebAssembly: [Blazor start configuration](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-blazor-startup-configuration) * Standalone Blazor WebAssembly: [`blazor-environment` header](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-header) * Blazor Web App or standalone Blazor WebAssembly: [Azure App Service](#set-the-environment-for-azure-app-service) On the client for a Blazor Web App, the environment is determined from the server via a middleware that communicates the environment to the browser via a header named `blazor-environment`. The header sets the environment when the is created in the client-side `Program` file (). :::moniker-end :::moniker range="< aspnetcore-8.0" The environment is set using any of the following approaches: * Blazor Server: Use any of the approaches described in for general ASP.NET Core apps. * Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly: [Blazor start configuration](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-blazor-startup-configuration) * Blazor WebAssembly: [`blazor-environment` header](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-header) * Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly: [Azure App Service](#set-the-environment-for-azure-app-service) On the client for a Blazor Web App or the client of a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app, the environment is determined from the server via a middleware that communicates the environment to the browser via a header named `blazor-environment`. The header sets the environment when the is created in the client-side `Program` file (). :::moniker-end For a standalone Blazor WebAssembly app running locally, the development server adds the `blazor-environment` header. For app's running locally in development, the app defaults to the `Development` environment. Publishing the app defaults the environment to `Production`. :::moniker range="< aspnetcore-5.0" For general guidance on ASP.NET Core app configuration, see . For server-side app configuration with static files in environments other than the environment during development and testing (for example, ), see . :::moniker-end ## Set the client-side environment via Blazor startup configuration The following example starts Blazor in the `Staging` environment if the hostname includes `localhost`. Otherwise, the environment is set to its default value. :::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-8.0" Blazor Web App: ```html ``` In the preceding example, the `{BLAZOR SCRIPT}` placeholder is the Blazor script path and file name. For the location of the script, see . > [!NOTE] > For Blazor Web Apps that set the `webAssembly` > `environment` property in `Blazor.start` configuration, it's wise to match the server-side environment to the environment set on the `environment` property. Otherwise, prerendering on the server will operate under a different environment than rendering on the client, which results in arbitrary effects. For general guidance on setting the environment for a Blazor Web App, see . Standalone Blazor WebAssembly: :::moniker-end ```html ``` In the preceding example, the `{BLAZOR SCRIPT}` placeholder is the Blazor script path and file name. For the location of the script, see . Using the `environment` property overrides the environment set by the [`blazor-environment` header](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-header). The preceding approach sets the client's environment without changing the `blazor-environment` header's value, nor does it change the server project's console logging of the startup environment for a Blazor Web App that has adopted global Interactive WebAssembly rendering. To log the environment to the console in either a standalone Blazor WebAssembly project or the `.Client` project of a Blazor Web App, place the following C# code in the `Program` file after the is created with and before the line that builds and runs the project (`await builder.Build().RunAsync();`): ```csharp Console.WriteLine( $"Client Hosting Environment: {builder.HostEnvironment.Environment}"); ``` For more information on Blazor startup, see . ## Set the client-side environment via header Blazor WebAssembly apps can set the environment with the `blazor-environment` header. In the following example for IIS, the custom header (`blazor-environment`) is added to the published `web.config` file. The `web.config` file is located in the `bin/Release/{TARGET FRAMEWORK}/publish` folder, where the placeholder `{TARGET FRAMEWORK}` is the target framework: ```xml ... ``` > [!NOTE] > To use a custom `web.config` file for IIS that isn't overwritten when the app is published to the `publish` folder, see . > > Although the Blazor framework issues the header name in all lowercase letters (`blazor-environment`), you're welcome to use any casing that you desire. For example, a header name that capitalizes each word (`Blazor-Environment`) is supported. ## Set the environment for Azure App Service For a standalone Blazor WebAssembly app, you can set the environment manually via [start configuration](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-blazor-startup-configuration) or the [`blazor-environment` header](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-header). For a server-side app, set the environment via an `ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT` app setting in Azure: 1. ***Confirm that the casing of environment segments in app settings file names match their environment name casing exactly***. For example, the matching app settings file name for the `Staging` environment is `appsettings.Staging.json`. If the file name is `appsettings.staging.json` (lowercase "`s`"), the file isn't located, and the settings in the file aren't used in the `Staging` environment. 1. For Visual Studio deployment, confirm that the app is deployed to the correct deployment slot. For an app named `BlazorAzureAppSample`, the app is deployed to the `Staging` deployment slot. 1. In the Azure portal for the environment's deployment slot, set the environment with the `ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT` app setting. For an app named `BlazorAzureAppSample`, the staging App Service Slot is named `BlazorAzureAppSample/Staging`. For the `Staging` slot's configuration, create an app setting for `ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT` with a value of `Staging`. **Deployment slot setting** is enabled for the setting. When requested in a browser, the `BlazorAzureAppSample/Staging` app loads in the `Staging` environment at `https://blazorazureappsample-staging.azurewebsites.net`. When the app is loaded in the browser, the response header collection for `blazor.boot.json` indicates that the `blazor-environment` header value is `Staging`. App settings from the `appsettings.{ENVIRONMENT}.json` file are loaded by the app, where the `{ENVIRONMENT}` placeholder is the app's environment. In the preceding example, settings from the `appsettings.Staging.json` file are loaded. ## Read the environment in a Blazor WebAssembly app Obtain the app's environment in a component by injecting and reading the property. `ReadEnvironment.razor`: ```razor @page "/read-environment" @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting @inject IWebAssemblyHostEnvironment Env

Environment example

Environment: @HostEnvironment.Environment

``` :::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-8.0" ## Read the environment client-side in a Blazor Web App Assuming that prerendering isn't disabled for a component or the app, a component in the `.Client` project is prerendered on the server. Because the server doesn't have a registered service, it isn't possible to inject the service and use the service implementation's host environment extension methods and properties during server prerendering. Injecting the service into an Interactive WebAssembly or Interactive Auto component results in the following runtime error: > :::no-loc text="There is no registered service of type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting.IWebAssemblyHostEnvironment'."::: To address this, create a custom service implementation for on the server. Add the following class to the server project. `ServerHostEnvironment.cs`: ```csharp using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; public class ServerHostEnvironment(IWebHostEnvironment env, NavigationManager nav) : IWebAssemblyHostEnvironment { public string Environment => env.EnvironmentName; public string BaseAddress => nav.BaseUri; } ``` In the server project's `Program` file, register the service: ```csharp builder.Services.TryAddScoped(); ``` At this point, the service can be injected into an interactive WebAssembly or interactive Auto component and used as shown in the [Read the environment in a Blazor WebAssembly app](#read-the-environment-in-a-blazor-webassembly-app) section. The preceding example can demonstrate that it's possible to have a different server environment than client environment, which isn't recommended and may lead to arbitrary results. When setting the environment in a Blazor Web App, it's best to match server and `.Client` project environments. Consider the following scenario in a test app: * Implement the client-side (`webassembly`) environment property with the `Staging` environment via `Blazor.start`. See the [Set the client-side environment via startup configuration](#set-the-client-side-environment-via-blazor-startup-configuration) section for an example. * Don't change the server-side `Properties/launchSettings.json` file. Leave the `environmentVariables` section with the `ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT` environment variable set to `Development`. You can see the value of the property change in the UI. When prerendering occurs on the server, the component is rendered in the `Development` environment: > **:::no-loc text="Environment:":::** :::no-loc text="Development"::: When the component is rerendered just a second or two later, after the Blazor bundle is downloaded and the Blazor WebAssembly runtime activates, the values change to reflect that the client is operating in the `Staging` environment on the client: > **:::no-loc text="Environment:":::** :::no-loc text="Staging"::: The preceding example demonstrates why we recommend setting the server environment to match the client environment for development, testing, and production deployments. For more information, see the [Client-side services fail to resolve during prerendering](xref:blazor/components/render-modes#client-side-services-fail-to-resolve-during-prerendering) section of the *Render modes* article, which appears later in the Blazor documentation. :::moniker-end ## Read the client-side environment during startup During startup, the exposes the through the property, which enables environment-specific logic in host builder code. In the `Program` file: ```csharp if (builder.HostEnvironment.Environment == "Custom") { ... }; ``` The following convenience extension methods provided through permit checking the current environment for `Development`, `Production`, `Staging`, and custom environment names: * * * * In the `Program` file: ```csharp if (builder.HostEnvironment.IsStaging()) { ... }; if (builder.HostEnvironment.IsEnvironment("Custom")) { ... }; ``` The property can be used during startup when the service isn't available. ## Additional resources * * * [Blazor samples GitHub repository (`dotnet/blazor-samples`)](https://github.com/dotnet/blazor-samples)