title: ASP.NET Core Blazor Progressive Web Application (PWA)
author: guardrex
description: Learn how to build a Blazor Progressive Web Application (PWA) that use modern browser features to behave like a desktop app.
monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-3.1'
ms.author: riande
ms.custom: mvc
ms.date: 02/23/2023
uid: blazor/progressive-web-app
# ASP.NET Core Blazor Progressive Web Application (PWA)
A Blazor Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a single-page application (SPA) that uses modern browser APIs and capabilities to behave like a desktop app.
Blazor WebAssembly is a standards-based client-side web app platform, so it can use any browser API, including PWA APIs required for the following capabilities:
* Working offline and loading instantly, independent of network speed.
* Running in its own app window, not just a browser window.
* Being launched from the host's operating system start menu, dock, or home screen.
* Receiving push notifications from a backend server, even while the user isn't using the app.
* Automatically updating in the background.
The word *progressive* is used to describe these apps because:
* A user might first discover and use the app within their web browser like any other SPA.
* Later, the user progresses to installing it in their OS and enabling push notifications.
## Create a project from the PWA template
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
When creating a new **Blazor WebAssembly App**, select the **Progressive Web Application** checkbox.
# [Visual Studio for Mac](#tab/visual-studio-mac)
When creating a new **Blazor WebAssembly App**, select the **Progressive Web Application** checkbox.
# [Visual Studio Code / .NET Core CLI](#tab/visual-studio-code+netcore-cli)
Use the following command to create a PWA project in a command shell with the `--pwa` switch:
dotnet new blazorwasm -o MyBlazorPwa --pwa
In the preceding command, the `-o|--output` option creates a new folder for the app named `MyBlazorPwa`.
Optionally, PWA can be configured for an app created from the **ASP.NET Core Hosted** Blazor WebAssembly project template. The PWA scenario is independent of the hosting model.
## Convert an existing Blazor WebAssembly app into a PWA
Convert an existing Blazor WebAssembly app into a PWA following the guidance in this section.
In the app's project file:
* Add the following `ServiceWorkerAssetsManifest` property to a `PropertyGroup`:
* Add the following `ServiceWorker` item to an `ItemGroup`:
To obtain static assets, use **one** of the following approaches:
* Create a separate, new PWA project with the [`dotnet new`](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-new) command in a command shell:
dotnet new blazorwasm -o MyBlazorPwa --pwa
In the preceding command, the `-o|--output` option creates a new folder for the app named `MyBlazorPwa`.
**If you aren't converting an app for the latest release**, pass the `-f|--framework` option. The following example creates the app for ASP.NET Core version 5.0:
dotnet new blazorwasm -o MyBlazorPwa --pwa -f net5.0
* Navigate to the ASP.NET Core GitHub repository at the following URL, which links to `main` branch reference source and assets. Select the release that you're working with from the **Switch branches or tags** dropdown list that applies to your app.
[Blazor WebAssembly project template `wwwroot` folder (dotnet/aspnetcore GitHub repository `main` branch)](https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/tree/main/src/ProjectTemplates/Web.ProjectTemplates/content/ComponentsWebAssembly-CSharp/Client/wwwroot)
From the source `wwwroot` folder either in the app that you created or from the reference assets in the `dotnet/aspnetcore` GitHub repository, copy the following files into the app's `wwwroot` folder:
* `icon-512.png`
* `manifest.json`
* `service-worker.js`
* `service-worker.published.js`
In the app's `wwwroot/index.html` file:
* Add `` elements for the manifest and app icon:
* Add the following `