--- title: ASP.NET Core SignalR .NET Client author: rachelappel description: Information about the ASP.NET Core SignalR .NET Client manager: wpickett monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-2.1' ms.author: rachelap ms.custom: mvc ms.date: 05/18/2018 ms.prod: aspnet-core ms.technology: aspnet ms.topic: article uid: signalr/dotnet-client --- # ASP.NET Core SignalR .NET Client By [Rachel Appel](http://twitter.com/rachelappel) The ASP.NET Core SignalR .NET client can be used by Xamarin, WPF, Windows Forms, Console, and .NET Core apps. Like the [JavaScript client](xref:signalr/javascript-client), the .NET client enables you to receive and send and receive messages to a hub in real time. [View or download sample code](https://github.com/aspnet/Docs/tree/live/aspnetcore/signalr/dotnet-client/sample) ([how to download](xref:tutorials/index#how-to-download-a-sample)) The code sample in this article is a WPF app that uses the ASP.NET Core SignalR .NET client. ## Setup client The `Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client` package is needed for .NET clients to connect to SignalR hubs. To install the client library, run the following command in the **Package Manager Console** window: ```powershell Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client ``` ## Connect to a hub To establish a connection, create a `HubConnectionBuilder` and call `Build`. The hub URL, protocol, transport type, log level, headers, and other options can be configured while building a connection. Configure any required options by inserting any of the `HubConnectionBuilder` methods into `Build`. Start the connection with `StartAsync`. [!code-csharp[Build hub connection](dotnet-client/sample/signalrchatclient/MainWindow.xaml.cs?highlight=15-17,33)] ## Call hub methods from client `InvokeAsync` calls methods on the hub. Pass the hub method name and any arguments defined in the hub method to `InvokeAsync`. SignalR is asynchronous, so use `async` and `await` when making the calls. [!code-csharp[InvokeAsync method](dotnet-client/sample/signalrchatclient/MainWindow.xaml.cs?range=48-49)] ## Call client methods from hub Define methods the hub calls using `connection.On` after building, but before starting the connection. [!code-csharp[Define client methods](dotnet-client/sample/signalrchatclient/MainWindow.xaml.cs?range=22-29)] The preceding code in `connection.On` runs when server-side code calls it using the `SendAsync` method. [!code-csharp[Call client method](dotnet-client/sample/signalrchat/hubs/chathub.cs?range=8-11)] ## Error handling and logging Handle errors with a try-catch statement. Inspect the `Exception` object to determine the proper action to take after an error occurs. [!code-csharp[Logging](dotnet-client/sample/signalrchatclient/MainWindow.xaml.cs?range=46-54)] ## Additional resources * [Hubs](xref:signalr/hubs) * [JavaScript client](xref:signalr/javascript-client) * [Publish to Azure](xref:signalr/publish-to-azure-web-app)