.. _security-authorization-views: View Based Authorization ======================== Often a developer will want to show, hide or otherwise modify a UI based on the current user identity. You can access the authorization service within MVC views by injecting it. To inject the authorization service into a view you use the ``@inject IAuthorizationService AuthorizationService``. If you want the authorization service in every view the place the ``@inject`` keyword into the ``_ViewImports.cshtml`` file in the ``Views`` directory. Once you have injected the authorization service you use it by calling the ``AuthorizeSync`` method in exactly the same way as you would check during :ref:`resource based authorization `. .. code-block:: c# @if (await AuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, "PolicyName")) {

This paragraph is displayed because you fulfilled PolicyName.

} In some cases the resource will be your view model, and you can call ``AuthorizeAsync`` in exactly the same way as you would check during :ref:`resource based authorization `; .. code-block:: c# @if (await AuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Model, Operations.Edit)) {


} Here you can see the model is passed as the resource authorization should take into consideration. .. WARNING:: Do not rely on showing or hiding parts of your UI as your only authorization method. Hiding a UI element does not mean a user cannot access it. You must also authorize the user within your controller code.