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Migrate from ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 to ASP.NET Core in .NET 9 rick-anderson Learn how to migrate an ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 to ASP.NET Core in .NET 9 riande 2/11/2024 migration/80-to-90

Migrate from ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 to ASP.NET Core in .NET 9

This article explains how to update an ASP.NET Core in .NET 8 to ASP.NET Core in .NET 9.


Visual Studio


Visual Studio Code


Update the .NET SDK version in global.json

If you rely on a global.json file to target a specific .NET Core SDK version, update the version property to the .NET 9.0 SDK version that's installed. For example:

  "sdk": {
-    "version": "8.0.100"
+    "version": "9.0.100"

Update the target framework

Update the project file's Target Framework Moniker (TFM) to net9.0:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">

-    <TargetFramework>net8.0</TargetFramework>
+    <TargetFramework>net9.0</TargetFramework>


Update package references

In the project file, update each Microsoft.AspNetCore.*, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.*, Microsoft.Extensions.*, and System.Net.Http.Json package reference's Version attribute to 9.0.0 or later. For example:

-   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch" Version="8.0.2" />
-   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools" Version="8.0.2" />
-   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="8.0.0" />
-   <PackageReference Include="System.Net.Http.Json" Version="8.0.0" />
+   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch" Version="9.0.0" />
+   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools" Version="9.0.0" />
+   <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="9.0.0" />
+   <PackageReference Include="System.Net.Http.Json" Version="9.0.0" />

Replace UseStaticFiles with MapStaticAssets

Optimize the handling of static files in your web apps by replacing xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StaticFileExtensions.UseStaticFiles%2A with xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StaticAssetsEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions.MapStaticAssets%2A in the app's Program file:

- app.UseStaticFiles();
+ app.MapStaticAssets();

In MVC & Razor Pages apps you additionally need to chain a call to .WithStaticAssets after MapRazorPages or MapControllerRoute in Program.cs. For an example, see the xref:fundamentals/static-files?view=aspnetcore-9.0&preserve-view=true.

ASP.NET Core automatically fingerprints and precompresses your static files at build and publish time, and then xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StaticAssetsEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions.MapStaticAssets%2A surfaces the optimized files as endpoints using endpoint routing with appropriate caching headers.

To resolve the fingerprinted file names from your app:

  • In Blazor apps, use the xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.Assets?displayProperty=nameWithType property. Update explicit references to static assets in Razor component files (.razor) to use @Assets["{ASSET PATH}"], where the {ASSET PATH} placeholder is the path to the asset. Note that this should NOT be done for the Blazor framework scripts (blazor.*.js). In the following example, Bootstrap, the Blazor project template app stylesheet (app.css), and the CSS isolation stylesheet (based on an app's namespace of BlazorSample) are linked in a root component, typically the App component (Components/App.razor):

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="@Assets["bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css"]" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="@Assets["app.css"]" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="@Assets["BlazorSample.styles.css"]" />
  • In MVC & Razor Pages apps, the script and link tag helpers will automatically resolve the fingerprinted file names.

To resolve the fingerprinted file names when importing JavaScript modules, add a generated import map:

  • In Blazor apps, add the (xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ImportMap) component to the <head> content of the app's root component, typically in the App component (App.razor):

    <ImportMap />
  • In MVC & Razor pages apps, add <script type="importmap"></script> to the head of the main layout file, which is updated by the Import Map Tag Helper.

For more information, see the following resources:



Additional resources