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web-forms/videos/how-do-i/how-do-i-create-and-call-a-simple-web-service-in-aspnet [How Do I:] Create and Call a Simple Web Service in ASP.NET | Microsoft Docs rick-anderson In this video Chris Pels will show how to create a web service in ASP.NET and then call the service from another ASP.NET web site. First, learn how to create... aspnetcontent 03/27/2008 34464109-4968-4eee-a1b1-5601cc853125 /web-forms/videos/how-do-i/how-do-i-create-and-call-a-simple-web-service-in-aspnet video

[How Do I:] Create and Call a Simple Web Service in ASP.NET

by Chris Pels

In this video Chris Pels will show how to create a web service in ASP.NET and then call the service from another ASP.NET web site. First, learn how to create an .asmx component which represents a web service in an ASP.NET web site. When creating the web service learn how to control several aspects of the web service functionality with web service attributes. Next, see how to test the web service in the Visual Studio web service test page. Then learn how ASP.NET allows many .NET data types to be returned from a web service. Create a business class library project and then use a class in that project as a return value from a web service by serializing the custom business object instance. Finally, see how to consume a web service from an ASP.NET web site.

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