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web-forms/videos/ajax-control-toolkit/how-do-i-use-the-aspnet-ajax-maskededit-controls [How Do I:] Use the ASP.NET AJAX MaskedEdit Controls? | Microsoft Docs JoeStagner The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit provides the MaskedEdit control and the MaskedEditValidator control which work together to prompt, style, and validate the d... riande 04/04/2007 806a8bfe-54be-4c96-8ffd-66303cc2b2f9 /web-forms/videos/ajax-control-toolkit/how-do-i-use-the-aspnet-ajax-maskededit-controls video

[How Do I:] Use the ASP.NET AJAX MaskedEdit Controls?

by Joe Stagner

The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit provides the MaskedEdit control and the MaskedEditValidator control which work together to prompt, style, and validate the data that the user enters in a text box. This allows the Web page to provide the user with immediate visual feedback on whether the data entered is of a valid type and format.

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