--model or -m |
Model class to use. |
--dataContext or -dc |
The DbContext class to use or the name of the class to generate. |
--bootstrapVersion or -b |
Specifies the bootstrap version. Valid values are 3 or 4 . Default is 4 . If needed and not present, a wwwroot directory is created that includes the bootstrap files of the specified version. |
--referenceScriptLibraries or -scripts |
Reference script libraries in the generated views. Adds _ValidationScriptsPartial to Edit and Create pages. |
--layout or -l |
Custom Layout page to use. |
--useDefaultLayout or -udl |
Use the default layout for the views. |
--force or -f |
Overwrite existing files. |
--relativeFolderPath or -outDir |
Specify the relative output folder path from project where the file needs to be generated, if not specified, file will be generated in the project folder |
--useSqlite or -sqlite |
Flag to specify if DbContext should use SQLite instead of SQL Server. |