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Now when you submit a search, the URL contains the search query string. Searching will also go to the HttpGet Index action method, even if you have a HttpPost Index method.

Browser window showing the searchString=ghost in the Url and the movies returned, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2, contain the word ghost

The following markup shows the change to the form tag:

<form asp-controller="Movies" asp-action="Index" method="get">

Adding Search by Genre

Add the following MovieGenreViewModel class to the Models folder:


The movie-genre view model will contain:

  • A list of movies.
  • A SelectList containing the list of genres. This will allow the user to select a genre from the list.
  • movieGenre, which contains the selected genre.

Replace the Index method in MoviesController.cs with the following code:


The following code is a LINQ query that retrieves all the genres from the database.


The SelectList of genres is created by projecting the distinct genres (we don't want our select list to have duplicate genres).

movieGenreVM.genres = new SelectList(await genreQuery.Distinct().ToListAsync())

Adding search by genre to the Index view

Update Index.cshtml as follows:


Test the app by searching by genre, by movie title, and by both.