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Work with images in ASP.NET Core Blazor guardrex Learn how to work with images in ASP.NET Core Blazor apps. >= aspnetcore-6.0 taparik mvc 07/15/2022 blazor/images

Work with images in ASP.NET Core Blazor

This article describes common scenarios for working with images in Blazor apps.

:::moniker range="< aspnetcore-7.0"

Dynamically set an image source

The following example demonstrates how to dynamically set an image's source with a C# field.

For the example in this section:

  • Obtain three images from any source or right-click each of the following images to save them locally. Name the images image1.png, image2.png, and image3.png.

    Computer icon    Smiley icon    Earth icon

  • Place the images in a new folder named images in the app's web root (wwwroot). The use of the images folder is only for demonstration purposes. You can organize images in any folder layout that you prefer, including serving the images directly from the wwwroot folder.

In the following ShowImage1 component:

  • The image's source (src) is dynamically set to the value of imageSource in C#.
  • The ShowImage method updates the imageSource field based on an image id argument passed to the method.
  • Rendered buttons call the ShowImage method with an image argument for each of the three available images in the images folder. The file name is composed using the argument passed to the method and matches one of the three images in the images folder.


:::code language="razor" source="~/../blazor-samples/6.0/BlazorSample_WebAssembly/Pages/images/ShowImage1.razor":::

The preceding example uses a C# field to hold the image's source data, but you can also use a C# property to hold the data.

[!NOTE] Do not use a loop variable directly in a lambda expression, such as i in the preceding for loop example. Otherwise, the same variable is used by all lambda expressions, which results in use of the same value in all lambdas. Always capture the variable's value in a local variable and then use the local variable. In the preceding example:

  • The loop variable i is assigned to imageId.
  • imageId is used in the lambda expression.

Alternatively, use a foreach loop with xref:System.Linq.Enumerable.Range%2A?displayProperty=nameWithType, which doesn't suffer from the preceding problem:

@foreach (var imageId in Enumerable.Range(1,3))
    <button @onclick="() => ShowImage(imageId)">
        Image @imageId

Stream image data

An image can be directly sent to the client using Blazor's streaming interop features instead of hosting the image at a public URL.

The example in this section streams image source data using JavaScript (JS) interop. The following setImage JS function accepts the <img> tag id and data stream for the image. The function performs the following steps:

  • Reads the provided stream into an ArrayBuffer.
  • Creates a Blob to wrap the ArrayBuffer.
  • Creates an object URL to serve as the address for the image to be shown.
  • Updates the <img> element with the specified imageElementId with the object URL just created.
  • To prevent memory leaks, the function calls revokeObjectURL to dispose of the object URL when the component is finished working with an image.
  window.setImage = async (imageElementId, imageStream) => {
    const arrayBuffer = await imageStream.arrayBuffer();
    const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    const image = document.getElementById(imageElementId);
    image.onload = () => {
    image.src = url;


The following ShowImage2 component:

[!NOTE] Blazor Server apps use a dedicated xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service to make requests, so no action is required by the developer in Blazor Server apps to register an xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service. Blazor WebAssembly apps have a default xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service registration when the app is created from a Blazor WebAssembly project template. If an xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service registration isn't present in Program.cs of a Blazor WebAssembly app, provide one by adding builder.Services.AddHttpClient();. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/http-requests.


:::code language="razor" source="~/../blazor-samples/6.0/BlazorSample_WebAssembly/Pages/images/ShowImage2.razor":::

Additional resources


:::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-7.0"

Dynamically set an image source

The following example demonstrates how to dynamically set an image's source with a C# field.

For the example in this section:

  • Obtain three images from any source or right-click each of the following images to save them locally. Name the images image1.png, image2.png, and image3.png.

    Computer icon    Smiley icon    Earth icon

  • Place the images in a new folder named images in the app's web root (wwwroot). The use of the images folder is only for demonstration purposes. You can organize images in any folder layout that you prefer, including serving the images directly from the wwwroot folder.

In the following ShowImage1 component:

  • The image's source (src) is dynamically set to the value of imageSource in C#.
  • The ShowImage method updates the imageSource field based on an image id argument passed to the method.
  • Rendered buttons call the ShowImage method with an image argument for each of the three available images in the images folder. The file name is composed using the argument passed to the method and matches one of the three images in the images folder.


:::code language="razor" source="~/../blazor-samples/7.0/BlazorSample_WebAssembly/Pages/images/ShowImage1.razor":::

The preceding example uses a C# field to hold the image's source data, but you can also use a C# property to hold the data.

[!NOTE] Do not use a loop variable directly in a lambda expression, such as i in the preceding for loop example. Otherwise, the same variable is used by all lambda expressions, which results in use of the same value in all lambdas. Always capture the variable's value in a local variable and then use the local variable. In the preceding example:

  • The loop variable i is assigned to imageId.
  • imageId is used in the lambda expression.

Alternatively, use a foreach loop with xref:System.Linq.Enumerable.Range%2A?displayProperty=nameWithType, which doesn't suffer from the preceding problem:

@foreach (var imageId in Enumerable.Range(1,3))
    <button @onclick="() => ShowImage(imageId)">
        Image @imageId

Stream image data

An image can be directly sent to the client using Blazor's streaming interop features instead of hosting the image at a public URL.

The example in this section streams image source data using JavaScript (JS) interop. The following setImage JS function accepts the <img> tag id and data stream for the image. The function performs the following steps:

  • Reads the provided stream into an ArrayBuffer.
  • Creates a Blob to wrap the ArrayBuffer.
  • Creates an object URL to serve as the address for the image to be shown.
  • Updates the <img> element with the specified imageElementId with the object URL just created.
  • To prevent memory leaks, the function calls revokeObjectURL to dispose of the object URL when the component is finished working with an image.
  window.setImage = async (imageElementId, imageStream) => {
    const arrayBuffer = await imageStream.arrayBuffer();
    const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);
    const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    const image = document.getElementById(imageElementId);
    image.onload = () => {
    image.src = url;


The following ShowImage2 component:

[!NOTE] Blazor Server apps use a dedicated xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service to make requests, so no action is required by the developer in Blazor Server apps to register an xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service. Blazor WebAssembly apps have a default xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service registration when the app is created from a Blazor WebAssembly project template. If an xref:System.Net.Http.HttpClient service registration isn't present in Program.cs of a Blazor WebAssembly app, provide one by adding builder.Services.AddHttpClient();. For more information, see xref:fundamentals/http-requests.


:::code language="razor" source="~/../blazor-samples/7.0/BlazorSample_WebAssembly/Pages/images/ShowImage2.razor":::

Additional resources
