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web-api/overview/odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api/odata-routing-conventions | Routing Conventions in ASP.NET Web API 2 Odata | Microsoft Docs | MikeWasson | This article describes the routing conventions that Web API uses for OData endpoints. | aspnetcontent | wpickett | 07/31/2013 | article | adbc175a-14eb-4ab2-a441-d056ffa8266f | dotnet-webapi | .net-framework | /web-api/overview/odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api/odata-routing-conventions | authoredcontent |
Routing Conventions in ASP.NET Web API 2 Odata
by Mike Wasson
This article describes the routing conventions that Web API uses for OData endpoints.
When Web API gets an OData request, it maps the request to a controller name and an action name. The mapping is based on the HTTP method and the URI. For example, GET /odata/Products(1)
maps to ProductsController.GetProduct
In part 1 of this article, I describe the built-in OData routing conventions. These conventions are designed specifically for OData endpoints, and they replace the default Web API routing system. (The replacement happens when you call MapODataRoute.)
In part 2, I show how to add custom routing conventions. Currently the built-in conventions do not cover the entire range of OData URIs, but you can extend them to handle additional cases.
Built-in Routing Conventions
Before I describe the OData routing conventions in Web API, it's helpful to understand OData URIs. An OData URI consists of:
- The service root
- The resource path
- Query options
For routing, the important part is the resource path. The resource path is divided into segments. For example, /Products(1)/Supplier
has three segments:
refers to an entity set named "Products".1
is an entity key, selecting a single entity from the set.Supplier
is a navigation property that selects a related entity.
So this path picks out the supplier of product 1.
[!NOTE] OData path segments do not always correspond to URI segments. For example, "1" is considered a path segment.
Controller Names. The controller name is always derived from the entity set at the root of the resource path. For example, if the resource path is /Products(1)/Supplier
, Web API looks for a controller named ProductsController
Action Names. Action names are derived from the path segments plus the entity data model (EDM), as listed in the following tables. In some cases, you have two choices for the action name. For example, "Get" or "GetProducts".
Querying Entities
Request | Example URI | Action Name | Example Action |
GET /entityset | /Products | GetEntitySet or Get | GetProducts |
GET /entityset(key) | /Products(1) | GetEntityType or Get | GetProduct |
GET /entityset(key)/cast | /Products(1)/Models.Book | GetEntityType or Get | GetBook |
For more information, see Create a Read-Only OData Endpoint.
Creating, Updating, and Deleting Entities
Request | Example URI | Action Name | Example Action |
POST /entityset | /Products | PostEntityType or Post | PostProduct |
PUT /entityset(key) | /Products(1) | PutEntityType or Put | PutProduct |
PUT /entityset(key)/cast | /Products(1)/Models.Book | PutEntityType or Put | PutBook |
PATCH /entityset(key) | /Products(1) | PatchEntityType or Patch | PatchProduct |
PATCH /entityset(key)/cast | /Products(1)/Models.Book | PatchEntityType or Patch | PatchBook |
DELETE /entityset(key) | /Products(1) | DeleteEntityType or Delete | DeleteProduct |
DELETE /entityset(key)/cast | /Products(1)/Models.Book | DeleteEntityType or Delete | DeleteBook |
Querying a Navigation Property
Request | Example URI | Action Name | Example Action |
GET /entityset(key)/navigation | /Products(1)/Supplier | GetNavigationFromEntityType or GetNavigation | GetSupplierFromProduct |
GET /entityset(key)/cast/navigation | /Products(1)/Models.Book/Author | GetNavigationFromEntityType or GetNavigation | GetAuthorFromBook |
For more information, see Working with Entity Relations.
Creating and Deleting Links
Request | Example URI | Action Name |
POST /entityset(key)/$links/navigation | /Products(1)/$links/Supplier | CreateLink |
PUT /entityset(key)/$links/navigation | /Products(1)/$links/Supplier | CreateLink |
DELETE /entityset(key)/$links/navigation | /Products(1)/$links/Supplier | DeleteLink |
DELETE /entityset(key)/$links/navigation(relatedKey) | /Products/(1)/$links/Suppliers(1) | DeleteLink |
For more information, see Working with Entity Relations.
Requires Web API 2
Request | Example URI | Action Name | Example Action |
GET /entityset(key)/property | /Products(1)/Name | GetPropertyFromEntityType or GetProperty | GetNameFromProduct |
GET /entityset(key)/cast/property | /Products(1)/Models.Book/Author | GetPropertyFromEntityType or GetProperty | GetTitleFromBook |
Request | Example URI | Action Name | Example Action |
POST /entityset(key)/action | /Products(1)/Rate | ActionNameOnEntityType or ActionName | RateOnProduct |
POST /entityset(key)/cast/action | /Products(1)/Models.Book/CheckOut | ActionNameOnEntityType or ActionName | CheckOutOnBook |
For more information, see OData Actions.
Method Signatures
Here are some rules for the method signatures:
- If the path contains a key, the action should have a parameter named key.
- If the path contains a key into a navigation property, the action should have a parameter named relatedKey.
- Decorate key and relatedKey parameters with the [FromODataUri] parameter.
- POST and PUT requests take a parameter of the entity type.
- PATCH requests take a parameter of type Delta<T>, where T is the entity type.
For reference, here is an example that shows method signatures for every built-in OData routing convention.
Custom Routing Conventions
Currently the built-in conventions do not cover all possible OData URIs. You can add new conventions by implementing the IODataRoutingConvention interface. This interface has two methods:
- SelectController returns the name of the controller.
- SelectAction returns the name of the action.
For both methods, if the convention does not apply to that request, the method should return null.
The ODataPath parameter represents the parsed OData resource path. It contains a list of ODataPathSegment instances, one for each segment of the resource path. ODataPathSegment is an abstract class; each segment type is represented by a class that derives from ODataPathSegment.
The ODataPath.TemplatePath property is a string that represents the concatenation all of the path segments. For example, if the URI is /Products(1)/Supplier
, the path template is "~/entityset/key/navigation". Notice that the segments don't correspond directly to URI segments. For example, the entity key (1) is represented as its own ODataPathSegment.
Typically, an implementation of IODataRoutingConvention does the following:
- Compare the path template to see if this convention applies to the current request. If it does not apply, return null.
- If the convention applies, use properties of the ODataPathSegment instances to derive controller and action names.
- For actions, add any values to the route dictionary that should bind to the action parameters (typically entity keys).
Let's look at a specific example. The built-in routing conventions do not support indexing into a navigation collection. In other words, there is no convention for URIs like the following:
Here is a custom routing convention to handle this type of query.
- I derive from EntitySetRoutingConvention, because the SelectController method in that class is appropriate for this new routing convention. That means I don't need to re-implement SelectController.
- The convention applies only to GET requests, and only when the path template is "~/entityset/key/navigation/key".
- The action name is "Get{EntityType}", where {EntityType} is the type of the navigation collection. For example, "GetSupplier". You can use any naming convention that you like — just make sure your controller actions match.
- The action takes two parameters named key and relatedKey. (For a list of some predefined parameter names, see ODataRouteConstants.)
The next step is adding the new convention to the list of routing conventions. This happens during configuration, as shown in the following code:
Here are some other sample routing conventions that be useful to study:
- CompositeKeyRoutingConvention
- CustomNavigationRoutingConvention
- NonBindableActionRoutingConvention
- ODataVersionRouteConstraint
And of course Web API itself is open-source, so you can see the source code for the built-in routing conventions. These are defined in the System.Web.Http.OData.Routing.Conventions namespace.