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title: Get started with ASP.NET Core
author: rick-anderson
description: A quick tutorial that creates and runs a simple Hello World app using ASP.NET Core.
manager: wpickett riande
ms.custom: mvc 05/10/2018 aspnet
ms.topic: get-started-article
uid: getting-started
# Get started with ASP.NET Core
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.0"
1. Install the [!INCLUDE[](~/includes/].
2. Create a new .NET Core project.
On macOS and Linux, open a terminal window. On Windows, open a command prompt. Enter the following command:
dotnet new razor -o aspnetcoreapp
3. Run the app with the following commands:
cd aspnetcoreapp
dotnet run
4. Browse to [http://localhost:5000](http://localhost:5000).
5. Open *Pages/About.cshtml* and modify the page to display the message "Hello, world! The time on the server is @DateTime.Now":
6. Browse to [http://localhost:5000/About](http://localhost:5000/About) and verify the changes.
[!INCLUDE[next steps](~/includes/getting-started/]
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="<= aspnetcore-1.1"
1. Install the .NET Core **SDK Installer** for SDK 1.0.4 from the [.NET Core All Downloads page](
2. Create a folder for a new .NET Core project.
On macOS and Linux, open a terminal window. On Windows, open a command prompt.
mkdir aspnetcoreapp
cd aspnetcoreapp
3. If you have installed a later SDK version on your machine, create a *global.json* file to select the 1.0.4 SDK.
"sdk": { "version": "1.0.4" }
4. Create a new .NET Core project.
dotnet new web
5. Restore the packages.
dotnet restore
6. Run the app.
dotnet run
The [dotnet run](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-run) command builds the app first, if needed.
7. Browse to `http://localhost:5000`.
[!INCLUDE[next steps](~/includes/getting-started/]
::: moniker-end