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title: Migrate from ASP.NET Web API to ASP.NET Core
author: ardalis
description: Learn how to migrate a web API implementation from ASP.NET 4.x Web API to ASP.NET Core MVC. scaddie
ms.custom: mvc 01/31/2022
uid: migration/webapi
# Migrate from ASP.NET Web API to ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core combines ASP.NET 4.x's MVC and Web API app models into a single programming model known as ASP.NET Core MVC.
:::moniker range=">= aspnetcore-6.0"
This article shows how to migrate the Products controller created in [Getting Started with ASP.NET Web API 2](/aspnet/web-api/overview/getting-started-with-aspnet-web-api/tutorial-your-first-web-api) to ASP.NET Core.
## Prerequisites
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
# [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)
## Create the new ASP.NET Core Web API project
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
1. From the **File** menu, select **New** > **Project**.
1. Enter *Web API* in the search box.
1. Select the **ASP.NET Core Web API** template and select **Next**.
1. In the **Configure your new project** dialog, name the project *ProductsCore* and select **Next**.
1. In the **Additional information** dialog:
1. Confirm the **Framework** is **.NET 6.0 (Long-term support)**.
1. Confirm the checkbox for **Use controllers(uncheck to use minimal APIs)** is checked.
1. Uncheck **Enable OpenAPI support**.
1. Select **Create**.
# [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)
1. Open the [integrated terminal](
1. Change directories (`cd`) to the folder that will contain the project folder.
1. Run the following commands to create a new web API project and open it in Visual Studio Code:
dotnet new webapi -o ProductsCore --no-openapi
cd ProductsCore
code -r ../ProductsCore
## Remove the *WeatherForecast* template files
1. Remove the `WeatherForecast.cs` and `Controllers/WeatherForecastController.cs` example files from the new *ProductsCore* project.
1. Open *Properties\launchSettings.json*.
1. Change `launchUrl` properties from `weatherforcast` to `productscore`.
## The configuration for ASP.NET Core Web API
ASP.NET Core doesn't use the *App_Start* folder or the *Global.asax* file. The *web.config* file is added at publish time. For more information, see <xref:host-and-deploy/iis/web-config>.
The `Program.cs` file:
* Replaces *Global.asax*.
* Handles all app startup tasks.
For more information, see <xref:fundamentals/startup>.
The following shows the application startup code in the ASP.NET Core `Program.cs` file:
## Copy the *Product* model
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
1. In **Solution Explorer**, right-click the project. Select **Add** > **New Folder**. Name the folder *Models*.
1. Right-click the **Models** folder. Select **Add** > **Class**. Name the class *Product* and select **Add**.
1. Replace the template model code with the following:
# [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)
1. Add a folder named *Models*.
1. Add a *Product* class to the *Models* folder with the following code:
The preceding highlighted code changes the following:
* The `?` annotation has been added to declare the `Name` and `Category` properties as nullable reference types.
By utilizing the [Nullable feature introduced in C# 8](/dotnet/csharp/whats-new/csharp-8#nullable-reference-types), ASP.NET Core can provide additional code flow analysis and compile-time safety in the handling of reference types. For example, protecting against `null` reference exceptions.
In this case, the intent is that the `Name` and `Category` can be nullable types.
ASP.NET Core 6.0 projects enable nullable reference types by default. For more information, see [Nullable reference types](/dotnet/csharp/nullable-references).
## Copy the *ProductsController*
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
1. Right-click the **Controllers** folder.
1. Select **Add > Controller...**.
1. In **Add New Scaffolded Item** dialog, select **Mvc Controller - Empty** then select **Add**.
1. Name the controller *ProductsController* and select **Add**.
1. Replace the template controller code with the following:
# [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)
1. Add a *ProductsController* class to the *Controllers* folder with the following code:
The preceding highlighted code changes the following, to migrate to ASP.NET Core:
* Removes using statements for the following ASP.NET 4.x components that don't exist in ASP.NET Core:
* `ApiController` class
* `System.Web.Http` namespace
* `IHttpActionResult` interface
* Changes the `using ProductsApp.Models;` statement to `using ProductsCore.Models;`.
* Sets the root namespace to `ProductsCore`.
* Changes `ApiController` to <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ControllerBase>.
* Adds `using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;` to resolve the `ControllerBase` reference.
* Changes the `GetProduct` action's return type from `IHttpActionResult` to `ActionResult<Product>`. For more info, see [Controller action return types](/aspnet/core/web-api/action-return-types).
* Simplifies the `GetProduct` action's `return` statement to the following statement:
return product;
* Adds the following attributes which are explained in the next sections:
* `[Route("api/[controller]")]`
* `[ApiController]`
* `[HttpGet]`
* `[HttpGet("{id}")]`
## Routing
ASP.NET Core provides a minimal hosting model in which the endpoint routing middleware wraps the entire middleware pipeline, therefore routes can be added directly to the <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.WebApplication> without an explicit call to <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointRoutingApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseEndpoints%2A> or <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointRoutingApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseRouting%2A> to register routes.
`UseRouting` can still be used to specify where route matching happens, but `UseRouting` doesn't need to be explicitly called if routes should be matched at the beginning of the middleware pipeline.
**Note:** Routes added directly to the <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.WebApplication> execute at the ***end*** of the pipeline.
## Routing in the migrated `ProductsController`
The migrated `ProductsController` contains the following highlighted attributes:
* The [`[Route]`](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RouteAttribute) attribute [configures the controller's attribute routing](xref:fundamentals/routing) pattern.
* The [`[ApiController]`](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiControllerAttribute) attribute makes attribute routing a requirement for all actions in this controller.
* [Attribute routing supports tokens](xref:mvc/controllers/routing#token-replacement-in-route-templates-controller-action-area), such as `[controller]` and `[action]`. At runtime, each token is replaced with the name of the controller or action, respectively, to which the attribute has been applied. The tokens:
* Reduces or eliminates the need to use hard coded strings for the route.
* Ensure routes remain synchronized with the corresponding controllers and actions when automatic rename refactorings are applied.
* HTTP Get requests are enabled for `ProductController` actions with the following attributes:
* [`[HttpGet]`](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.HttpGetAttribute) attribute applied to the `GetAllProducts` action.
* `[HttpGet("{id}")]` attribute applied to the `GetProduct` action.
Run the migrated project, and browse to `/api/products`. For example: https://localhost:`<port>`/api/products. A full list of three products appears. Browse to `/api/products/1`. The first product appears.
[View or download sample code]( ([how to download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample))
## Additional resources
* <xref:web-api/index>
* <xref:web-api/action-return-types>
* <xref:mvc/compatibility-version>
:::moniker range="< aspnetcore-6.0"
This article demonstrates the steps required to migrate from ASP.NET 4.x Web API to ASP.NET Core MVC.
[View or download sample code]( ([how to download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample))
## Prerequisites
[!INCLUDE [prerequisites](../includes/]
## Review ASP.NET 4.x Web API project
This article uses the *ProductsApp* project created in [Getting Started with ASP.NET Web API 2](/aspnet/web-api/overview/getting-started-with-aspnet-web-api/tutorial-your-first-web-api). In that project, a basic ASP.NET 4.x Web API project is configured as follows.
In `Global.asax.cs`, a call is made to `WebApiConfig.Register`:
The `WebApiConfig` class is found in the *App_Start* folder and has a static `Register` method:
The preceding class:
* Configures [attribute routing](/aspnet/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/attribute-routing-in-web-api-2), although it's not actually being used.
* Configures the routing table.
The sample code expects URLs to match the format `/api/{controller}/{id}`, with `{id}` being optional.
The following sections demonstrate migration of the Web API project to ASP.NET Core MVC.
## Create the destination project
Create a new blank solution in Visual Studio and add the ASP.NET 4.x Web API project to migrate:
1. From the **File** menu, select **New** > **Project**.
1. Select the **Blank Solution** template and select **Next**.
1. Name the solution *WebAPIMigration*. Select **Create**.
1. Add the existing *ProductsApp* project to the solution.
Add a new API project to migrate to:
1. Add a new **ASP.NET Core Web Application** project to the solution.
1. In the **Configure your new project** dialog, Name the project *ProductsCore*, and select **Create**.
1. In the **Create a new ASP.NET Core Web Application** dialog, confirm that **.NET Core** and **ASP.NET Core 3.1** are selected. Select the **API** project template, and select **Create**.
1. Remove the `WeatherForecast.cs` and `Controllers/WeatherForecastController.cs` example files from the new *ProductsCore* project.
The solution now contains two projects. The following sections explain migrating the *ProductsApp* project's contents to the *ProductsCore* project.
## Migrate configuration
ASP.NET Core doesn't use the *App_Start* folder or the *Global.asax* file. Additionally, the *web.config* file is added at publish time.
The `Startup` class:
* Replaces *Global.asax*.
* Handles all app startup tasks.
For more information, see <xref:fundamentals/startup>.
## Migrate models and controllers
The following code shows the `ProductsController` to be updated for ASP.NET Core:
Update the `ProductsController` for ASP.NET Core:
1. Copy `Controllers/ProductsController.cs` and the *Models* folder from the original project to the new one.
1. Change the copied files' root namespace to `ProductsCore`.
1. Update the `using ProductsApp.Models;` statement to `using ProductsCore.Models;`.
The following components don't exist in ASP.NET Core:
* `ApiController` class
* `System.Web.Http` namespace
* `IHttpActionResult` interface
Make the following changes:
1. Change `ApiController` to <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ControllerBase>. Add `using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;` to resolve the `ControllerBase` reference.
1. Delete `using System.Web.Http;`.
1. Change the `GetProduct` action's return type from `IHttpActionResult` to `ActionResult<Product>`.
1. Simplify the `GetProduct` action's `return` statement to the following:
return product;
## Configure routing
The ASP.NET Core *API* project template includes endpoint routing configuration in the generated code.
The following <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointRoutingApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseRouting%2A> and <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.EndpointRoutingApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseEndpoints%2A> calls:
* Register route matching and endpoint execution in the [middleware](xref:fundamentals/middleware/index) pipeline.
* Replace the *ProductsApp* project's `App_Start/WebApiConfig.cs` file.
Configure routing as follows:
1. Mark the `ProductsController` class with the following attributes:
The preceding [`[Route]`](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RouteAttribute) attribute configures the controller's attribute routing pattern. The [`[ApiController]`](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiControllerAttribute) attribute makes attribute routing a requirement for all actions in this controller.
Attribute routing supports tokens, such as `[controller]` and `[action]`. At runtime, each token is replaced with the name of the controller or action, respectively, to which the attribute has been applied. The tokens:
* Reduce the number of magic strings in the project.
* Ensure routes remain synchronized with the corresponding controllers and actions when automatic rename refactorings are applied.
1. Enable HTTP Get requests to the `ProductController` actions:
* Apply the [`[HttpGet]`](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.HttpGetAttribute) attribute to the `GetAllProducts` action.
* Apply the `[HttpGet("{id}")]` attribute to the `GetProduct` action.
Run the migrated project, and browse to `/api/products`. A full list of three products appears. Browse to `/api/products/1`. The first product appears.
## Additional resources
* <xref:web-api/index>
* <xref:web-api/action-return-types>
* <xref:mvc/compatibility-version>