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Introduction to Identity on ASP.NET Core rick-anderson Use Identity with an ASP.NET Core app. Includes, Setting password requirements (RequireDigit,RequiredLength,RequiredUniqueChars and more). wpickett riande 01/24/2018 aspnet article security/authentication/identity

Introduction to Identity on ASP.NET Core

By Pranav Rastogi, Rick Anderson, Tom Dykstra, Jon Galloway, Erik Reitan, and Steve Smith

ASP.NET Core Identity is a membership system which allows you to add login functionality to your application. Users can create an account and login with a user name and password or they can use an external login provider such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft Account, Twitter or others.

You can configure ASP.NET Core Identity to use a SQL Server database to store user names, passwords, and profile data. Alternatively, you can use your own persistent store, for example, an Azure Table Storage. This document contains instructions for Visual Studio and for using the CLI.

View or download the sample code. (How to download)

Overview of Identity

In this topic, you'll learn how to use ASP.NET Core Identity to add functionality to register, log in, and log out a user. For more detailed instructions about creating apps using ASP.NET Core Identity, see the Next Steps section at the end of this article.

  1. Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application project with Individual User Accounts.

    Visual Studio

    In Visual Studio, select File > New > Project. Select ASP.NET Core Web Application and click OK.

    New Project dialog

    Select an ASP.NET Core Web Application (Model-View-Controller) for ASP.NET Core 2.x, then select Change Authentication.

    New Project dialog

    A dialog appears offering authentication choices. Select Individual User Accounts and click OK to return to the previous dialog.

    New Project dialog

    Selecting Individual User Accounts directs Visual Studio to create Models, ViewModels, Views, Controllers, and other assets required for authentication as part of the project template.

    .NET Core CLI

    If using the .NET Core CLI, create the new project using dotnet new mvc --auth Individual. This command creates a new project with the same Identity template code Visual Studio creates.

    The created project contains the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore package, which persists the Identity data and schema to SQL Server using Entity Framework Core.

  2. Configure Identity services and add middleware in Startup.

    The Identity services are added to the application in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup class:

    ASP.NET Core 2.x


    These services are made available to the application through dependency injection.

    Identity is enabled for the application by calling UseAuthentication in the Configure method. UseAuthentication adds authentication middleware to the request pipeline.


    ASP.NET Core 1.x


    These services are made available to the application through dependency injection.

    Identity is enabled for the application by calling UseIdentity in the Configure method. UseIdentity adds cookie-based authentication middleware to the request pipeline.


    For more information about the application start up process, see Application Startup.

  3. Create a user.

    Launch the application and then click on the Register link.

    If this is the first time you're performing this action, you may be required to run migrations. The application prompts you to Apply Migrations. Refresh the page if needed.

    Apply Migrations Web Page

    Alternately, you can test using ASP.NET Core Identity with your app without a persistent database by using an in-memory database. To use an in-memory database, add the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory package to your app and modify your app's call to AddDbContext in ConfigureServices as follows:

    services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>

    When the user clicks the Register link, the Register action is invoked on AccountController. The Register action creates the user by calling CreateAsync on the _userManager object (provided to AccountController by dependency injection):


    If the user was created successfully, the user is logged in by the call to _signInManager.SignInAsync.

    Note: See account confirmation for steps to prevent immediate login at registration.

  4. Log in.

    Users can sign in by clicking the Log in link at the top of the site, or they may be navigated to the Login page if they attempt to access a part of the site that requires authorization. When the user submits the form on the Login page, the AccountController Login action is called.

    The Login action calls PasswordSignInAsync on the _signInManager object (provided to AccountController by dependency injection).


    The base Controller class exposes a User property that you can access from controller methods. For instance, you can enumerate User.Claims and make authorization decisions. For more information, see Authorization.

  5. Log out.

    Clicking the Log out link calls the LogOut action.


    The preceding code above calls the _signInManager.SignOutAsync method. The SignOutAsync method clears the user's claims stored in a cookie.

6. Configuration.

Identity has some default behaviors that can be overridden in the app's startup class. IdentityOptions don't need to be configured when using the default behaviors. The following code sets several password strength options:

ASP.NET Core 2.x


ASP.NET Core 1.x


For more information about how to configure Identity, see Configure Identity.

You also can configure the data type of the primary key, see Configure Identity primary keys data type.

  1. View the database.

    If your app is using a SQL Server database (the default on Windows and for Visual Studio users), you can view the database the app created. You can use SQL Server Management Studio. Alternatively, from Visual Studio, select View > SQL Server Object Explorer. Connect to (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB. The database with a name matching aspnet-<name of your project>-<date string> is displayed.

    Contextual menu on AspNetUsers database table

    Expand the database and its Tables, then right-click the dbo.AspNetUsers table and select View Data.

  2. Verify Identity works

    The default ASP.NET Core Web Application project template allows users to access any action in the application without having to login. To verify that ASP.NET Identity works, add an[Authorize] attribute to the About action of the Home Controller.

    public IActionResult About()
        ViewData["Message"] = "Your application description page.";
        return View();

    Visual Studio

    Run the project using Ctrl + F5 and navigate to the About page. Only authenticated users may access the About page now, so ASP.NET redirects you to the login page to login or register.

    .NET Core CLI

    Open a command window and navigate to the project's root directory containing the .csproj file. Run the dotnet run command to run the app:

    dotnet run 

    Browse the URL specified in the output from the dotnet run command. The URL should point to localhost with a generated port number. Navigate to the About page. Only authenticated users may access the About page now, so ASP.NET redirects you to the login page to login or register.

Identity Components

The primary reference assembly for the Identity system is Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity. This package contains the core set of interfaces for ASP.NET Core Identity, and is included by Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore.

These dependencies are needed to use the Identity system in ASP.NET Core applications:

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore - Contains the required types to use Identity with Entity Framework Core.

  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer - Entity Framework Core is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for relational databases like SQL Server. For testing, you can use Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory.

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies - Middleware that enables an app to use cookie-based authentication.

Migrating to ASP.NET Core Identity

For additional information and guidance on migrating your existing Identity store see Migrate Authentication and Identity.

Setting password strength

See Configuration for a sample that sets the minimum password requirements.

Next Steps