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web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/how-do-i-use-the-aspnet-ajax-timer-control [How Do I:] Use the ASP.NET AJAX Timer Control? | Microsoft Docs JoeStagner The AJAX Timer control enables a portion of an ASP.NET web page to be dynamically updated at a regular interval, rather than needing the user to perform an a... aspnetcontent 02/13/2007 1488f788-54ca-43ce-bf65-8179ebbe2c7c /web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/how-do-i-use-the-aspnet-ajax-timer-control video

[How Do I:] Use the ASP.NET AJAX Timer Control?

by Joe Stagner

The AJAX Timer control enables a portion of an ASP.NET web page to be dynamically updated at a regular interval, rather than needing the user to perform an action such as clicking on a button.

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