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Collocation of JavaScript (JS) files for pages and views is a convenient way to organize scripts in an app.
Collocate JS files using the following filename extension conventions:
* Pages of Razor Pages apps and views of MVC apps: `.cshtml.js`. Examples:
* `Pages/Index.cshtml.js` for the `Index` page of a Razor Pages app at `Pages/Index.cshtml`.
* `Views/Home/Index.cshtml.js` for the `Index` view of an MVC app at `Views/Home/Index.cshtml`.
Collocated JS files are publicly addressable using the ***path to the file in the project***:
* Pages and views from a collocated scripts file in the app:
* The `{PATH}` placeholder is the path to the page, view, or component.
* The `{PAGE, VIEW, OR COMPONENT}` placeholder is the page, view, or component.
* The `{EXTENSION}` placeholder matches the extension of the page, view, or component, either `razor` or `cshtml`.
Razor Pages example:
A JS file for the `Index` page is placed in the `Pages` folder (`Pages/Index.cshtml.js`) next to the `Index` page (`Pages/Index.cshtml`). In the `Index` page, the script is referenced at the path in the `Pages` folder:
@section Scripts {
<script src="~/Pages/Index.cshtml.js"></script>
The default layout `Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml` can be configured to include collocated JS files, eliminating the need to configure each page individually:
:::code language="razor" source="~/mvc/views/tag-helpers/built-in/samples/ScriptTagHelper/Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml" range="54-54":::
The [sample download](https://github.com/dotnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/main/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/built-in/samples/ScriptTagHelper) uses the preceding code snippet to include collocated JS files in the default layout.
When the app is published, the framework automatically moves the script to the web root. In the preceding example, the script is moved to `bin\Release\{TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER}\publish\wwwroot\Pages\Index.cshtml.js`, where the `{TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER}` placeholder is the [Target Framework Moniker (TFM)](/dotnet/standard/frameworks). No change is required to the script's relative URL in the `Index` page.
When the app is published, the framework automatically moves the script to the web root. In the preceding example, the script is moved to `bin\Release\{TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER}\publish\wwwroot\Components\Pages\Index.razor.js`, where the `{TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER}` placeholder is the [Target Framework Moniker (TFM)](/dotnet/standard/frameworks). No change is required to the script's relative URL in the `Index` component.
* For scripts provided by a Razor class library (RCL):
* The `{PACKAGE ID}` placeholder is the RCL's package identifier (or library name for a class library referenced by the app).
* The `{PATH}` placeholder is the path to the page, view, or component. If a Razor component is located at the root of the RCL, the path segment isn't included.
* The `{PAGE, VIEW, OR COMPONENT}` placeholder is the page, view, or component.
* The `{EXTENSION}` placeholder matches the extension of page, view, or component, either `razor` or `cshtml`.