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uid: signalr/index
title: "SignalR | Microsoft Docs"
author: rick-anderson
description: "Microsoft ASP.NET SignalR is a library for ASP.NET developers that simplifies the process of adding real-time web functionality to your applications." aspnetcontent 10/24/2012
ms.assetid: 282a521f-2b86-4fac-bcf6-b6d5e0fe969c
msc.legacyurl: /signalr
msc.type: categoryindex
- [Guidance](overview/
- [Getting Started](overview/getting-started/
- [Introduction to SignalR](overview/getting-started/
- [Supported Platforms](overview/getting-started/
- [Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 2](overview/getting-started/
- [Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 2 and MVC 5](overview/getting-started/
- [Tutorial: High-Frequency Realtime with SignalR 2](overview/getting-started/
- [Tutorial: Server Broadcast with SignalR 2](overview/getting-started/
- [Hands On Lab: Real-Time Web Applications with SignalR](overview/getting-started/
- [Guide to the API](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Hubs API Guide - Server (C#)](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Hubs API Guide - JavaScript Client](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Hubs API Guide - .NET Client (C#)](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Understanding and Handling Connection Lifetime Events in SignalR](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Working with Groups in SignalR](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Mapping SignalR Users to Connections](overview/guide-to-the-api/
- [Testing and Debugging](overview/testing-and-debugging/
- [SignalR Troubleshooting](overview/testing-and-debugging/
- [Unit Testing SignalR Applications](overview/testing-and-debugging/
- [Enabling SignalR Tracing](overview/testing-and-debugging/
- [Security](overview/security/
- [Introduction to SignalR Security](overview/security/
- [Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Hubs](overview/security/
- [Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Persistent Connections](overview/security/
- [Performance](overview/performance/
- [SignalR Performance](overview/performance/
- [Introduction to Scaleout in SignalR](overview/performance/
- [SignalR Scaleout with Azure Service Bus](overview/performance/
- [SignalR Scaleout with Redis](overview/performance/
- [SignalR Scaleout with SQL Server](overview/performance/
- [SignalR Connection Density Testing with Crank](overview/performance/
- [Using SignalR Performance Counters in an Azure Web Role](overview/performance/
- [Deployment and Hosting](overview/deployment/
- [Tutorial: SignalR Self-Host](overview/deployment/
- [Using SignalR with Web Apps in Azure App Service](overview/deployment/
- [Advanced](overview/advanced/
- [Dependency Injection in SignalR](overview/advanced/
- [Releases](overview/releases/
- [Upgrading SignalR 1.x Projects to version 2](overview/releases/
- [Older Versions](overview/older-versions/
- [Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [Tutorial: Getting Started with SignalR 1.x and MVC 4](overview/older-versions/
- [High-Frequency Realtime with SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [Tutorial: Server Broadcast with ASP.NET SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [Hubs API Guide - Server](overview/older-versions/
- [SignalR 1.x Hubs API Guide - JavaScript Client](overview/older-versions/
- [Hubs API Guide - .NET Client](overview/older-versions/
- [Understanding and Handling Connection Lifetime Events in SignalR](overview/older-versions/
- [Working with Groups in SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [Mapping SignalR Users to Connections in SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [Introduction to SignalR Security (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Hubs (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Persistent Connections (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [SignalR Performance (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [Introduction to Scaleout in SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [SignalR Scaleout with Azure Service Bus (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [SignalR Scaleout with Redis (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [SignalR Scaleout with SQL Server (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [SignalR Troubleshooting (SignalR 1.x)](overview/older-versions/
- [Dependency Injection in SignalR 1.x](overview/older-versions/
- [Videos](videos/
- [ASP.NET SignalR Videos](videos/getting-started/
- [SignalR and Web Sockets](videos/getting-started/