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Factory-based middleware activation in ASP.NET Core guardrex Learn how to use strongly-typed middleware with a factory-based activation implementation in ASP.NET Core. >= aspnetcore-2.1 riande mvc 03/31/2019 fundamentals/middleware/extensibility

Factory-based middleware activation in ASP.NET Core

By Luke Latham

xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory/xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware is an extensibility point for middleware activation.

xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.UseMiddleware* extension methods check if a middleware's registered type implements xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware. If it does, the xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory instance registered in the container is used to resolve the xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware implementation instead of using the convention-based middleware activation logic. The middleware is registered as a scoped or transient service in the app's service container.


  • Activation per client request (injection of scoped services)
  • Strong typing of middleware

xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware is activated per client request (connection), so scoped services can be injected into the middleware's constructor.

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xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddleware defines middleware for the app's request pipeline. The InvokeAsync(HttpContext, RequestDelegate) method handles requests and returns a xref:System.Threading.Tasks.Task that represents the execution of the middleware.

Middleware activated by convention:


Middleware activated by xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.MiddlewareFactory:


Extensions are created for the middlewares:


It isn't possible to pass objects to the factory-activated middleware with xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.UseMiddlewareExtensions.UseMiddleware*:

public static IApplicationBuilder UseFactoryActivatedMiddleware(
    this IApplicationBuilder builder, bool option)
    // Passing 'option' as an argument throws a NotSupportedException at runtime.
    return builder.UseMiddleware<FactoryActivatedMiddleware>(option);

The factory-activated middleware is added to the built-in container in Startup.ConfigureServices:


Both middlewares are registered in the request processing pipeline in Startup.Configure:



xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory provides methods to create middleware. The middleware factory implementation is registered in the container as a scoped service.

The default xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IMiddlewareFactory implementation, xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.MiddlewareFactory, is found in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http package.

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