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The generated Identity database code requires Entity Framework Core Migrations. If a migration to create the Identity schema hasn't been created and applied to the database, create a migration and update the database. For example, run the following commands:

Visual Studio

In the Visual Studio Package Manager Console:

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.EntityFrameworkCore
Add-Migration CreateIdentitySchema


dotnet ef migrations add CreateIdentitySchema
dotnet ef database update

The "CreateIdentitySchema" name parameter for the Add-Migration command is arbitrary. "CreateIdentitySchema" describes the migration.

If the Identity schema has already been created but not applied to the database, only the command to update the database must be executed:

Visual Studio

In the Visual Studio Package Manager Console, execute Update-Database:



In a command shell, execute dotnet ef database update:

dotnet ef database update

You can confirm the application of an Identity schema with the following command. The output of the command includes an "applied" column to show which migrations are applied to the database.

Visual Studio

In the Visual Studio Package Manager Console, execute Get-Migration:


If more than one database context exists, specify the context with the -Context parameter.


In a command shell, execute dotnet ef migrations list:

dotnet ef migrations list

If more than one database context exists, specify the context with the --context parameter.