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Build an ASP.NET Core app on a Mac or Linux using Visual Studio Code | Microsoft Docs spboyer This article will walk you through creating your first web application on a Mac using the dotnet CLI for ASP.NET Core and Visual Studio Code ASP.NET Core, macOS, Yeoman, generator-aspnet, Visual Studio Code, Linux riande wpickett 02/22/2017 article dcc08e09-e73e-4feb-84ce-8219b7e544ef aspnet tutorials/your-first-mac-aspnet

Build an ASP.NET Core app on a Mac or Linux using Visual Studio Code

This article will show you how to write your first ASP.NET Core application on macOS or Linux.

Setting up your development environment

To setup your development machine download and install .NET Core and Visual Studio Code with the C# extension.

Scaffolding applications using dotnet new

We will be using dotnet new to generate a new web application using the "Empty Web Template". Create a working directory for your project called firstapp . cd to firstapp.

Start Visual Studio Code and open the firstapp folder. Press Ctrl + '`' (the back-quote character) to open an embedded terminal in VS Code. Alternatively, use a separate terminal window. Run the dotnet new command to create a new web application, passing the mvc parameter as the template type.

dotnet new mvc

When the CLI command completes; the following output and files are produced.

Content generation time: 79.6691 ms
The template "Empty ASP.NET Core Web Application" created successfully.
  • Startup.cs : Startup Class - class configures the request pipeline that handles all requests made to the application.
  • Program.cs : Program Class that contains the Main entry point of the application.
  • firstapp.csproj : Project file MSBuild Project file format for ASP.NET Core applications. Contains Project to Project references, NuGet References and other project related items.
  • appsettings.json / appsettings.Development.json : Environment base app settings configuration file. See Configuration.
  • bower.json : Bower package dependencies for the project.
  • .bowerrc : Bower configuration file which defines where to install the components when Bower downloads the assets.
  • bundleconfig.json : configuration files for bundling and minifying front-end JavaScript and CSS assets.
  • Views : Contains the Razor views. Views are the components that display the app's user interface (UI). Generally, this UI displays the model data.
  • Controllers : Contains MVC Controllers, initially HomeController.cs. Controllers are classes that handle browser requests.
  • wwwroot : Web application root folder.

For more on the MVC pattern see What is the MVC pattern?.

Developing ASP.NET Core applications on a Mac with Visual Studio Code

Select the Program.cs file and Visual Studio Code will prompt to restore the needed project dependencies and add build and debug dependencies.

Info messages: 2. 2. Required assets to build and debug are missing from your project. Add them?

Tap "Yes" to add the build and debug assets.

In the VS Code Explorer sidebar, launch.json and tasks.json files are added to the .vscode folder.

Tap "Restore" to restore the project dependencies. Alternately, you can run dotnet restore from the terminal or enter ⌘⇧P or Ctrl+Shift+P in Visual Studio Code and then type .NET as shown:

Command bar showing autocompletion option on typing 'dot' for 'dotnet: Restore Packages'

If this is your first time using Visual Studio Code (or just Code for short), note that it provides a very streamlined, fast, clean interface for quickly working with files, while still providing tooling to make writing code extremely productive.

In the left navigation bar, there are five icons, representing four viewlets:

  • Explore
  • Search
  • Git
  • Debug
  • Extensions

The Explorer viewlet allows you to quickly navigate within the folder system, as well as easily see the files you are currently working with. It displays a badge to indicate whether any files have unsaved changes, and new folders and files can easily be created (without having to open a separate dialog window). You can easily Save All from a menu option that appears on mouse over, as well.

The Search viewlet allows you to quickly search within the folder structure, searching filenames as well as contents.

Code will integrate with Git if it is installed on your system. You can easily initialize a new repository, make commits, and push changes from the Git viewlet.

GIT sidebar indicating 'This workspace isn't yet under git source control' with an 'Initialize git repository' button

The Debug viewlet supports interactive debugging of applications.

Code's editor has a ton of great features. You'll notice unused using statements are underlined and can be removed automatically by using ⌘ . or Ctrl + . when the lightbulb icon appears. Classes and methods also display how many references there are in the project to them.

More on editor in Visual Studio Code.

Running locally using Kestrel

The sample is configured to use Kestrel for the web server.

Using Visual Studio Code debugger

If you chose to have the debug and build assets added to the project:

  • Tap the Debug icon in the View Bar on the left pane

  • Tap the "Play (F5)" icon to launch the app

DEBUG sidebar showing the triangle play button

Your default browser will automatically launch and navigate to http://localhost:5000

Browser window

  • To stop the application, close the browser and hit the "Stop" icon on the debug bar

VS Code Debug bar

Using the dotnet commands

  • Run dotnet run command to launch the app from terminal/bash

  • Navigate to http://localhost:5000

  • To stop the web server enter ⌃+C or Ctrl+C.

Publishing to Azure

Once you've developed your application, you can easily use the Git integration built into Visual Studio Code to push updates to production, hosted on Microsoft Azure.

Initialize Git

Initialize Git in the folder you're working in. Tap on the Git viewlet and click the Initialize Git repository button.

GIT sidebar

Add a commit message and tap enter or tap the checkmark icon to commit the staged files.

GIT sidebar showing file changes

Git is tracking changes, so if you make an update to a file, the Git viewlet will display the files that have changed since your last commit.

Initialize Azure Website

You can deploy to Azure Web Apps directly using Git.

Create a Web App in the Azure Portal to host your new application.

Microsoft Azure Portal: New button: Web + Mobile selection in the Marketplace list reveals a Web App button under Featured Apps

Configure the Web App in Azure to support continuous deployment using Git.

Record the Git URL for the Web App from the Azure portal.

Azure Portal for web application: Overview panel

In a Terminal window, add a remote named azure with the Git URL you noted previously.

git remote add azure

Push to master. git push azure master to deploy.

Command window showing a successful deployment

Browse to the newly deployed web app.

Browser window

Looking at the Deployment Details in the Azure Portal, you can see the logs and steps each time there is a commit to the branch.

Azure Portal for web application: Deployment Details

Additional resources