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web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/how-do-i-implement-the-ajax-incremental-page-display-pattern [How Do I:] Implement the AJAX Incremental Page Display Pattern? | Microsoft Docs JoeStagner Traditionally when a Web page is requested, the user must wait while the entire page is retrieved from the server after which the complete page appears sudde... aspnetcontent wpickett 03/05/2007 article 17dfc331-1186-4240-8abf-f0220c90e081 dotnet-webforms .net-framework /web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/how-do-i-implement-the-ajax-incremental-page-display-pattern video

[How Do I:] Implement the AJAX Incremental Page Display Pattern?

by Joe Stagner

Traditionally when a Web page is requested, the user must wait while the entire page is retrieved from the server after which the complete page appears suddenly in the browser. This video demonstrates how the AJAX Incremental Page Display Pattern improves the user experience by quickly and smoothly fetching and displaying portions of the Web page.

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