1124 lines
44 KiB
1124 lines
44 KiB
- name: ASP.NET Core documentation
href: /aspnet/#pivot=core
- name: Overview
- name: About ASP.NET Core
uid: index
- name: Compare ASP.NET Core and ASP.NET
uid: fundamentals/choose-between-aspnet-and-aspnetcore
- name: Compare .NET Core and .NET Framework
href: /dotnet/standard/choosing-core-framework-server?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Get started
uid: getting-started
- name: What's new
- name: What's new in 2.2
uid: aspnetcore-2.2
- name: What's new in 2.1
uid: aspnetcore-2.1
- name: What's new in 2.0
uid: aspnetcore-2.0
- name: What's new in 1.1
uid: aspnetcore-1.1
- name: Tutorials
- name: Web apps
- name: Razor Pages
displayName: tutorial
- name: Overview
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/index
- name: Get started
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start
- name: Add a model
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/model
- name: Scaffolding
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/page
- name: Work with a database
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/sql
- name: Update the pages
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/da1
- name: Add search
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/search
- name: Add a new field
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/new-field
- name: Add validation
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/validation
- name: MVC
displayName: tutorial
- name: Overview
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/index
- name: Get started
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/start-mvc
- name: Add a controller
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-controller
- name: Add a view
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-view
- name: Add a model
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-model
- name: Work with a database
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/working-with-sql
- name: Controller actions and views
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/controller-methods-views
- name: Add search
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/search
- name: Add a new field
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/new-field
- name: Add validation
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/validation
- name: Examine the Details and Delete methods
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/details
- name: Blazor
displayName: tutorial
uid: tutorials/first-blazor-app
- name: Web API apps
- name: Create a web API
displayName: tutorial
uid: tutorials/first-web-api
- name: Web API with MongoDB
displayName: tutorial
uid: tutorials/first-mongo-app
- name: Web API with JavaScript
displayName: tutorial
uid: tutorials/web-api-javascript
- name: Backend for mobile
displayName: tutorial
uid: mobile/native-mobile-backend
- name: Real-time web apps
- name: SignalR with JavaScript
displayName: tutorial
uid: tutorials/signalr
- name: SignalR with TypeScript
displayName: tutorial
uid: tutorials/signalr-typescript-webpack
- name: Remote Procedure Call apps
- name: Get started with gRPC service
uid: tutorials/grpc/grpc-start
- name: Data access
- name: EF Core with Razor Pages
displayName: tutorial
- name: Get started
uid: data/ef-rp/intro
- name: Create, Read, Update, and Delete
uid: data/ef-rp/crud
- name: Sort, filter, page, and group
uid: data/ef-rp/sort-filter-page
- name: Migrations
uid: data/ef-rp/migrations
- name: Create a complex data model
uid: data/ef-rp/complex-data-model
- name: Read related data
uid: data/ef-rp/read-related-data
- name: Update related data
uid: data/ef-rp/update-related-data
- name: Handle concurrency conflicts
uid: data/ef-rp/concurrency
- name: EF Core with MVC, existing database
displayName: tutorial
href: /ef/core/get-started/aspnetcore/existing-db?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: EF Core with MVC, new database
displayName: tutorial
href: /ef/core/get-started/aspnetcore/new-db?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: EF Core with MVC, 10 tutorials
- name: Overview
uid: data/ef-mvc/index
- name: Get started
uid: data/ef-mvc/intro
- name: Create, Read, Update, and Delete
uid: data/ef-mvc/crud
- name: Sort, filter, page, and group
uid: data/ef-mvc/sort-filter-page
- name: Migrations
uid: data/ef-mvc/migrations
- name: Create a complex data model
uid: data/ef-mvc/complex-data-model
- name: Read related data
uid: data/ef-mvc/read-related-data
- name: Update related data
uid: data/ef-mvc/update-related-data
- name: Handle concurrency conflicts
uid: data/ef-mvc/concurrency
- name: Inheritance
uid: data/ef-mvc/inheritance
- name: Advanced topics
uid: data/ef-mvc/advanced
- name: Tutorials (Microsoft Learn)
displayName: tutorial
- name: Web API apps
href: /learn/modules/build-web-api-net-core/
- name: Data access
displayName: tutorial, ef, entity framework
href: /learn/modules/persist-data-ef-core/
- name: Web app security
displayName: tutorial, identity
href: /learn/modules/secure-aspnet-core-identity/
- name: Fundamentals
- name: Overview
uid: fundamentals/index
- name: The Startup class
uid: fundamentals/startup
- name: Dependency injection (services)
uid: fundamentals/dependency-injection
- name: Middleware
uid: fundamentals/middleware/index
- name: Host
- name: Generic Host
uid: fundamentals/host/generic-host
- name: Web Host
uid: fundamentals/host/web-host
- name: Servers
uid: fundamentals/servers/index
- name: Configuration
uid: fundamentals/configuration/index
- name: Options
uid: fundamentals/configuration/options
- name: Environments (dev, stage, prod)
uid: fundamentals/environments
- name: Logging
uid: fundamentals/logging/index
- name: Routing
uid: fundamentals/routing
- name: Handle errors
uid: fundamentals/error-handling
- name: Make HTTP requests
displayName: httpclient, httpclientfactory
uid: fundamentals/http-requests
- name: Static files
uid: fundamentals/static-files
- name: Web apps
- name: Razor Pages
- name: Introduction
uid: razor-pages/index
- name: Tutorial
- name: Overview
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/index
- name: Get started
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start
- name: Add a model
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/model
- name: Scaffolding
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/page
- name: Work with a database
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/sql
- name: Update the pages
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/da1
- name: Add search
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/search
- name: Add a new field
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/new-field
- name: Add validation
uid: tutorials/razor-pages/validation
- name: Filters
uid: razor-pages/filter
- name: Route and app conventions
uid: razor-pages/razor-pages-conventions
- name: Upload files
uid: razor-pages/upload-files
- name: Razor SDK
uid: razor-pages/sdk
- name: MVC
- name: Overview
uid: mvc/overview
- name: Tutorial
- name: Overview
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/index
- name: Get started
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/start-mvc
- name: Add a controller
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-controller
- name: Add a view
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-view
- name: Add a model
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-model
- name: Work with a database
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/working-with-sql
- name: Controller actions and views
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/controller-methods-views
- name: Add search
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/search
- name: Add a new field
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/new-field
- name: Add validation
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/validation
- name: Examine the Details and Delete methods
uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/details
- name: Views
uid: mvc/views/overview
- name: Partial views
uid: mvc/views/partial
- name: Controllers
uid: mvc/controllers/actions
- name: Routing
uid: mvc/controllers/routing
- name: File uploads
uid: mvc/models/file-uploads
- name: Dependency injection - controllers
uid: mvc/controllers/dependency-injection
- name: Dependency injection - views
uid: mvc/views/dependency-injection
- name: Unit test
uid: mvc/controllers/testing
- name: Blazor
- name: Overview
uid: blazor/index
- name: Supported platforms
uid: blazor/supported-platforms
- name: Get started
uid: blazor/get-started
- name: Hosting models
uid: blazor/hosting-models
- name: Build your first app
uid: tutorials/first-blazor-app
- name: Components
uid: blazor/components
- name: Forms and validation
uid: blazor/forms-validation
- name: Component libraries
uid: blazor/class-libraries
- name: Layouts
uid: blazor/layouts
- name: Dependency injection
uid: blazor/dependency-injection
- name: Routing
uid: blazor/routing
- name: JavaScript interop
uid: blazor/javascript-interop
- name: Security and Identity
- name: Overview
uid: security/blazor/index
- name: Server-side
uid: security/blazor/server-side
- name: State management
uid: blazor/state-management
- name: Handle errors
uid: blazor/handle-errors
- name: Debug
uid: blazor/debug
- name: Call a web API
uid: blazor/call-web-api
- name: Hosting and deployment
- name: Overview
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/index
- name: Client-side
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/client-side
- name: Server-side
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/server-side
- name: Configure the Linker
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/configure-linker
- name: Client-side development
- name: Single Page Apps
- name: Angular
uid: spa/angular
- name: React
uid: spa/react
- name: React with Redux
uid: spa/react-with-redux
- name: JavaScript Services
uid: client-side/spa-services
- name: LibMan
- name: Overview
uid: client-side/libman/index
- name: CLI
uid: client-side/libman/libman-cli
- name: Visual Studio
uid: client-side/libman/libman-vs
- name: Grunt
uid: client-side/using-grunt
- name: Bower
uid: client-side/bower
- name: Bundle and minify
uid: client-side/bundling-and-minification
- name: Browser Link
uid: client-side/using-browserlink
- name: Session and app state
uid: fundamentals/app-state
- name: Layout
uid: mvc/views/layout
- name: Razor syntax
uid: mvc/views/razor
- name: Razor class libraries
uid: razor-pages/ui-class
- name: Tag Helpers
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/Index
- name: Overview
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro
- name: Create Tag Helpers
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring
- name: Use Tag Helpers in forms
uid: mvc/views/working-with-forms
- name: Tag Helper Components
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/th-components
- name: Built-in Tag Helpers
- name: Anchor
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/anchor-tag-helper
- name: Cache
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/cache-tag-helper
- name: Distributed Cache
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/distributed-cache-tag-helper
- name: Environment
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/environment-tag-helper
- name: Form
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-form-tag-helper
- name: Image
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/image-tag-helper
- name: Input
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-input-tag-helper
- name: Label
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-label-tag-helper
- name: Partial
uid: mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/partial-tag-helper
- name: Select
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-select-tag-helper
- name: Textarea
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-textarea-tag-helper
- name: Validation Message
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-validation-message-tag-helper
- name: Validation Summary
href: mvc/views/working-with-forms.md#the-validation-summary-tag-helper
- name: Advanced
- name: View components
uid: mvc/views/view-components
- name: View compilation
uid: mvc/views/view-compilation
- name: App model
uid: mvc/controllers/application-model
- name: Filters
uid: mvc/controllers/filters
- name: Areas
uid: mvc/controllers/areas
- name: App parts
uid: mvc/extensibility/app-parts
- name: aspnet-codegenerator
uid: fundamentals/tools/dotnet-aspnet-codegenerator
- name: Web API apps
- name: Overview
uid: web-api/index
- name: Tutorials
- name: Create a web API
uid: tutorials/first-web-api
- name: Web API with MongoDB
uid: tutorials/first-mongo-app
- name: Swagger / OpenAPI
- name: Overview
uid: tutorials/web-api-help-pages-using-swagger
- name: Get started with Swashbuckle
uid: tutorials/get-started-with-swashbuckle
- name: Get started with NSwag
uid: tutorials/get-started-with-nswag
- name: Action return types
uid: web-api/action-return-types
- name: Format response data
uid: web-api/advanced/formatting
- name: Custom formatters
uid: web-api/advanced/custom-formatters
- name: Analyzers
uid: web-api/advanced/analyzers
- name: Conventions
uid: web-api/advanced/conventions
- name: Test APIs with HTTP REPL
uid: web-api/http-repl
- name: Real-time apps
displayName: signalr
- name: SignalR overview
uid: signalr/introduction
- name: Supported platforms
uid: signalr/supported-platforms
displayName: signalr
- name: Tutorials
- name: SignalR with JavaScript
uid: tutorials/signalr
- name: SignalR with TypeScript
uid: tutorials/signalr-typescript-webpack
- name: Samples
href: https://github.com/aspnet/SignalR-samples
displayName: signalr
- name: Server concepts
displayName: signalr
- name: Hubs
uid: signalr/hubs
displayName: signalr
- name: Send from outside a hub
uid: signalr/hubcontext
displayName: signalr
- name: Users and groups
uid: signalr/groups
displayName: signalr
- name: API design considerations
uid: signalr/api-design
displayName: signalr
- name: Clients
displayName: signalr
- name: .NET client
uid: signalr/dotnet-client
displayName: signalr
- name: .NET API reference
href: /dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.signalr.client
displayName: signalr
- name: Java client
uid: signalr/java-client
displayName: signalr
- name: Java API reference
href: /java/api/com.microsoft.signalr?view=aspnet-signalr-java
displayName: signalr
- name: JavaScript client
uid: signalr/javascript-client
displayName: signalr
- name: JavaScript API reference
href: /javascript/api/?view=signalr-js-latest
displayName: signalr
- name: Hosting and scaling
displayName: signalr
- name: Overview
displayName: signalr
uid: signalr/scale
- name: Azure App Service
uid: signalr/publish-to-azure-web-app
displayName: signalr
- name: Redis backplane
displayName: signalr
uid: signalr/redis-backplane
- name: SignalR with background services
uid: signalr/background-services
- name: Configuration
uid: signalr/configuration
displayName: signalr
- name: Authentication and authorization
uid: signalr/authn-and-authz
displayName: signalr
- name: Security considerations
uid: signalr/security
displayName: signalr
- name: MessagePack Hub Protocol
uid: signalr/messagepackhubprotocol
displayName: signalr
- name: Streaming
uid: signalr/streaming
displayName: signalr
- name: Compare SignalR and SignalR Core
uid: signalr/version-differences
displayName: signalr
- name: WebSockets without SignalR
displayName: signalr
uid: fundamentals/websockets
- name: Logging and diagnostics
displayName: signalr
uid: signalr/diagnostics
- name: Remote Procedure Call apps
- name: Introduction to gRPC services
uid: grpc/index
- name: gRPC services with C#
uid: grpc/basics
- name: gRPC services with ASP.NET Core
uid: grpc/aspnetcore
- name: Call gRPC services with .NET client
uid: grpc/client
- name: gRPC client factory integration
uid: grpc/clientfactory
- name: Configuration
uid: grpc/configuration
- name: Authentication and authorization
uid: grpc/authn-and-authz
- name: Security considerations
uid: grpc/security
- name: Migrate gRPC services from C Core
uid: grpc/migration
- name: Comparing gRPC services with HTTP APIs
uid: grpc/comparison
- name: Troubleshoot
uid: grpc/troubleshoot
- name: Test, debug, and troubleshoot
- name: Unit testing
href: /dotnet/core/testing/unit-testing-with-dotnet-test?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Razor Pages unit tests
uid: test/razor-pages-tests
- name: Test controllers
uid: mvc/controllers/testing
- name: Remote debugging
href: /visualstudio/debugger/remote-debugging-azure
- name: Snapshot debugging
href: /azure/azure-monitor/app/snapshot-debugger?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Snapshot debugging in Visual Studio
href: /visualstudio/debugger/debug-live-azure-applications
- name: Integration tests
uid: test/integration-tests
- name: Load and stress testing
uid: test/loadtests
- name: Troubleshoot
uid: test/troubleshoot
- name: Logging
uid: fundamentals/logging/index
- name: Troubleshoot Azure and IIS
uid: test/troubleshoot-azure-iis
- name: Azure and IIS errors reference
uid: host-and-deploy/azure-iis-errors-reference
- name: Data access
- name: Tutorials
- name: EF Core with Razor Pages
- name: Get started
uid: data/ef-rp/intro
- name: Create, Read, Update, and Delete
uid: data/ef-rp/crud
- name: Sort, filter, page, and group
uid: data/ef-rp/sort-filter-page
- name: Migrations
uid: data/ef-rp/migrations
- name: Create a complex data model
uid: data/ef-rp/complex-data-model
- name: Read related data
uid: data/ef-rp/read-related-data
- name: Update related data
uid: data/ef-rp/update-related-data
- name: Handle concurrency conflicts
uid: data/ef-rp/concurrency
- name: EF Core with MVC, new database
href: /ef/core/get-started/aspnetcore/new-db?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: EF Core with MVC, existing database
href: /ef/core/get-started/aspnetcore/existing-db?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: EF Core with MVC, 10 tutorials
- name: Overview
uid: data/ef-mvc/index
- name: Get started
uid: data/ef-mvc/intro
- name: Create, Read, Update, and Delete
uid: data/ef-mvc/crud
- name: Sort, filter, page, and group
uid: data/ef-mvc/sort-filter-page
- name: Migrations
uid: data/ef-mvc/migrations
- name: Create a complex data model
uid: data/ef-mvc/complex-data-model
- name: Read related data
uid: data/ef-mvc/read-related-data
- name: Update related data
uid: data/ef-mvc/update-related-data
- name: Handle concurrency conflicts
uid: data/ef-mvc/concurrency
- name: Inheritance
uid: data/ef-mvc/inheritance
- name: Advanced topics
uid: data/ef-mvc/advanced
- name: EF 6 with ASP.NET Core
uid: data/entity-framework-6
- name: Azure Storage with Visual Studio
- name: Connected Services
href: /visualstudio/azure/vs-azure-tools-connected-services-storage
- name: Blob storage
href: /azure/visual-studio/vs-storage-aspnet5-getting-started-blobs?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Queue storage
href: /azure/visual-studio/vs-storage-aspnet5-getting-started-queues?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Table storage
href: /azure/visual-studio/vs-storage-aspnet5-getting-started-tables?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Hosting and deployment
displayName: publish
- name: Overview
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/index
- name: Host on Azure App Service
displayName: deploy, publish
- name: Overview
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/azure-apps/index
- name: Publish with Visual Studio
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: tutorials/publish-to-azure-webapp-using-vs
- name: Publish with Visual Studio for Mac
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
href: /visualstudio/mac/publish-app-svc?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Publish with CLI tools
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
href: /azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-dotnetcore-sqldb?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Publish with Visual Studio and Git
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/azure-apps/azure-continuous-deployment
- name: Continuous deployment with Azure Pipelines
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
href: /azure/devops/pipelines/get-started-yaml
- name: ASP.NET Core Module
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module
- name: Troubleshoot
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: test/troubleshoot-azure-iis
- name: Errors reference
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/azure-iis-errors-reference
- name: DevOps
- name: Overview
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: azure/devops/index
- name: Tools and downloads
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: azure/devops/tools-and-downloads
- name: Deploy to App Service
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: azure/devops/deploy-to-app-service
- name: Continuous integration and deployment
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: azure/devops/cicd
- name: Monitor and troubleshoot
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: azure/devops/monitor
- name: Next steps
displayName: azure, deploy, publish
uid: azure/devops/next-steps
- name: Host on Windows with IIS
displayName: deploy, publish
- name: Overview
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/iis/index
- name: Publish to IIS tutorial
uid: tutorials/publish-to-iis
- name: ASP.NET Core Module
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module
- name: IIS support in Visual Studio
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/iis/development-time-iis-support
- name: IIS Modules
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/iis/modules
- name: Troubleshoot
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: test/troubleshoot-azure-iis
- name: Errors reference
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/azure-iis-errors-reference
- name: Transform web.config
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/iis/transform-webconfig
- name: Kestrel
uid: fundamentals/servers/kestrel
displayName: deploy, publish, server
- name: HTTP.sys
displayName: deploy, publish, server
uid: fundamentals/servers/httpsys
- name: Host in a Windows service
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/windows-service
- name: Host on Linux with Nginx
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/linux-nginx
- name: Host on Linux with Apache
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/linux-apache
- name: Host in Docker
displayName: deploy, publish
- name: Overview
displayName: deploy, publish, docker
uid: host-and-deploy/docker/index
- name: Build Docker images
displayName: deploy, publish, docker
uid: host-and-deploy/docker/building-net-docker-images
- name: Visual Studio Tools
displayName: deploy, publish, docker
uid: host-and-deploy/docker/visual-studio-tools-for-docker
- name: Publish to a Docker image
displayName: deploy, publish, docker
href: /visualstudio/containers/vs-azure-tools-docker-hosting-web-apps-in-docker
- name: Sample Docker images
displayName: deploy, publish, docker
href: https://github.com/dotnet/dotnet-docker/blob/master/samples/aspnetapp/README.md
- name: Proxy and load balancer configuration
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/proxy-load-balancer
- name: Host in a web farm
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/web-farm
- name: Visual Studio publish profiles
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/visual-studio-publish-profiles
- name: Visual Studio for Mac publish to folder
displayName: deploy, publish
href: /visualstudio/mac/publish-folder?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Directory structure
displayName: deploy, publish
uid: host-and-deploy/directory-structure
- name: Health checks
uid: host-and-deploy/health-checks
displayName: deploy, publish
- name: Blazor
- name: Overview
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/index
- name: Client-side
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/client-side
- name: Server-side
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/server-side
- name: Configure the Linker
uid: host-and-deploy/blazor/configure-linker
- name: Security and Identity
displayName: authentication, authorization
- name: Overview
uid: security/index
- name: Authentication
- name: Introduction to Identity
uid: security/authentication/identity
- name: Identity with SPA
uid: security/authentication/identity/spa
- name: Scaffold Identity
uid: security/authentication/scaffold-identity
- name: Add custom user data to Identity
uid: security/authentication/add-user-data
- name: Authentication samples
uid: security/authentication/samples
- name: Customize Identity
uid: security/authentication/customize_identity_model
- name: Community OSS authentication options
uid: security/authentication/community
- name: Configure Identity
uid: security/authentication/identity-configuration
- name: Configure Windows Authentication
uid: security/authentication/windowsauth
- name: Custom storage providers for Identity
uid: security/authentication/identity-custom-storage-providers
- name: Google, Facebook ...
- name: Overview
uid: security/authentication/social/index
- name: Google authentication
uid: security/authentication/google-logins
- name: Facebook authentication
uid: security/authentication/facebook-logins
- name: Microsoft authentication
uid: security/authentication/microsoft-logins
- name: Twitter authentication
uid: security/authentication/twitter-logins
- name: Other providers
uid: security/authentication/otherlogins
- name: Additional claims
uid: security/authentication/social/additional-claims
- name: Policy schemes
uid: security/authentication/policyschemes
- name: WS-Federation authentication
uid: security/authentication/ws-federation
- name: Account confirmation and password recovery
uid: security/authentication/accconfirm
- name: Enable QR code generation in Identity
uid: security/authentication/identity-enable-qrcodes
- name: Two-factor authentication with SMS
uid: security/authentication/2fa
- name: Use cookie authentication without Identity
uid: security/authentication/cookie
- name: Use social authentication without Identity
uid: security/authentication/social/social-without-identity
- name: Azure Active Directory
- name: Overview
uid: security/authentication/azure-active-directory/index
- name: Integrate Azure AD into a web app
href: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/samples/active-directory-dotnet-webapp-openidconnect-aspnetcore/
- name: Integrate Azure AD B2C into a web app
uid: security/authentication/azure-ad-b2c
- name: Integrate Azure AD B2C into a web API
uid: security/authentication/azure-ad-b2c-webapi
- name: Call a web API from WPF
href: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/samples/active-directory-dotnet-native-aspnetcore/
- name: Call a web API in a web app using Azure AD
href: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/samples/active-directory-dotnet-webapp-webapi-openidconnect-aspnetcore/
- name: Secure ASP.NET Core apps with IdentityServer4
href: https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/
- name: Secure ASP.NET Core apps with Azure App Service authentication (Easy Auth)
href: /azure/app-service/overview-authentication-authorization?toc=/aspnet/core/toc.json&bc=/aspnet/core/breadcrumb/toc.json
- name: Individual user accounts
uid: security/authentication/individual
- name: Configure certificate authentication
uid: security/authentication/certauth
- name: Authorization
- name: Overview
uid: security/authorization/introduction
- name: Create a web app with authorization
uid: security/authorization/secure-data
- name: Razor Pages authorization conventions
uid: security/authorization/razor-pages-authorization
- name: Simple authorization
uid: security/authorization/simple
- name: Role-based authorization
uid: security/authorization/roles
- name: Claims-based authorization
uid: security/authorization/claims
- name: Policy-based authorization
uid: security/authorization/policies
- name: Authorization policy providers
uid: security/authorization/iauthorizationpolicyprovider
- name: Dependency injection in requirement handlers
uid: security/authorization/dependencyinjection
- name: Resource-based authorization
uid: security/authorization/resourcebased
- name: View-based authorization
uid: security/authorization/views
- name: Limit identity by scheme
uid: security/authorization/limitingidentitybyscheme
- name: Data protection
displayName: encryption
- name: Overview
uid: security/data-protection/introduction
- name: Data protection APIs
uid: security/data-protection/using-data-protection
- name: Consumer APIs
- name: Overview
uid: security/data-protection/consumer-apis/overview
- name: Purpose strings
uid: security/data-protection/consumer-apis/purpose-strings
- name: Purpose hierarchy and multi-tenancy
uid: security/data-protection/consumer-apis/purpose-strings-multitenancy
- name: Hash passwords
uid: security/data-protection/consumer-apis/password-hashing
- name: Limit the lifetime of protected payloads
uid: security/data-protection/consumer-apis/limited-lifetime-payloads
- name: Unprotect payloads whose keys have been revoked
uid: security/data-protection/consumer-apis/dangerous-unprotect
- name: Configuration
- name: Overview
uid: security/data-protection/configuration/index
- name: Configure data protection
uid: security/data-protection/configuration/overview
- name: Default settings
uid: security/data-protection/configuration/default-settings
- name: Machine-wide policy
uid: security/data-protection/configuration/machine-wide-policy
- name: Non-DI aware scenarios
uid: security/data-protection/configuration/non-di-scenarios
- name: Extensibility APIs
- name: Overview
uid: security/data-protection/extensibility/index
- name: Core cryptography extensibility
uid: security/data-protection/extensibility/core-crypto
- name: Key management extensibility
uid: security/data-protection/extensibility/key-management
- name: Miscellaneous APIs
uid: security/data-protection/extensibility/misc-apis
- name: Implementation
- name: Overview
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/index
- name: Authenticated encryption details
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/authenticated-encryption-details
- name: Subkey derivation and authenticated encryption
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/subkeyderivation
- name: Context headers
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/context-headers
- name: Key management
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/key-management
- name: Key storage providers
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/key-storage-providers
- name: Key encryption at rest
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/key-encryption-at-rest
- name: Key immutability and settings
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/key-immutability
- name: Key storage format
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/key-storage-format
- name: Ephemeral data protection providers
uid: security/data-protection/implementation/key-storage-ephemeral
- name: Compatibility
- name: Overview
uid: security/data-protection/compatibility/index
- name: Replace machineKey in ASP.NET
uid: security/data-protection/compatibility/replacing-machinekey
- name: Secrets management
- name: Protect secrets in development
displayName: password, connection string, API key
uid: security/app-secrets
- name: Azure Key Vault Configuration Provider
displayName: password, connection string, API key, secrets
uid: security/key-vault-configuration
- name: Enforce HTTPS
uid: security/enforcing-ssl
- name: Host Docker with HTTPS
uid: security/docker-https
- name: EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) support
uid: security/gdpr
- name: Anti-request forgery
uid: security/anti-request-forgery
- name: Prevent open redirect attacks
uid: security/preventing-open-redirects
- name: Prevent Cross-Site Scripting
uid: security/cross-site-scripting
- name: Enable Cross-Origin Requests (CORS)
uid: security/cors
- name: Share cookies among apps
uid: security/cookie-sharing
- name: IP safelist
uid: security/ip-safelist
- name: Application security - OWASP
href: https://github.com/OWASP/CheatSheetSeries/blob/master/cheatsheets/DotNet_Security_Cheat_Sheet.md
- name: Blazor
- name: Overview
uid: security/blazor/index
- name: Server-side
uid: security/blazor/server-side
- name: Performance
- name: Overview
uid: performance/performance-best-practices
- name: Response caching
- name: Overview
uid: performance/caching/response
- name: In-memory cache
uid: performance/caching/memory
- name: Distributed caching
uid: performance/caching/distributed
- name: Response caching middleware
uid: performance/caching/middleware
- name: Object reuse with ObjectPool
uid: performance/ObjectPool
- name: Response compression
uid: performance/response-compression
- name: Diagnostic tools
uid: performance/diagnostic-tools
- name: Load and stress testing
uid: test/loadtests
- name: Globalization and localization
- name: Overview
displayName: globalization, localization
uid: fundamentals/localization
- name: Portable Object localization
uid: fundamentals/portable-object-localization
- name: Extensibility
uid: fundamentals/localization-extensibility
- name: Troubleshoot
uid: fundamentals/troubleshoot-aspnet-core-localization
- name: Advanced
- name: Model binding
uid: mvc/models/model-binding
- name: Custom model binding
uid: mvc/advanced/custom-model-binding
- name: Model validation
uid: mvc/models/validation
- name: Compatibility version
uid: mvc/compatibility-version
- name: Write middleware
uid: fundamentals/middleware/write
- name: Request and response operations
displayName: middleware
uid: fundamentals/middleware/request-response
- name: URL rewriting
uid: fundamentals/url-rewriting
- name: File providers
uid: fundamentals/file-providers
- name: Request-feature interfaces
uid: fundamentals/request-features
- name: Access HttpContext
uid: fundamentals/httpcontext
- name: Change tokens
uid: fundamentals/change-tokens
- name: Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN)
uid: fundamentals/owin
- name: Background tasks with hosted services
uid: fundamentals/host/hosted-services
- name: Hosting startup assemblies
uid: fundamentals/configuration/platform-specific-configuration
- name: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App metapackage
uid: fundamentals/metapackage-app
- name: Microsoft.AspNetCore.All metapackage
uid: fundamentals/metapackage
- name: Logging with LoggerMessage
uid: fundamentals/logging/loggermessage
- name: Use a file watcher
uid: tutorials/dotnet-watch
- name: Factory-based middleware
uid: fundamentals/middleware/extensibility
- name: Factory-based middleware with third-party container
uid: fundamentals/middleware/extensibility-third-party-container
- name: Migration
- name: 2.2 to 3.0
displayName: migrate, migration
uid: migration/22-to-30
- name: 2.1 to 2.2
displayName: migrate, migration
uid: migration/21-to-22
- name: 2.0 to 2.1
displayName: migrate, migration
uid: migration/20_21
- name: 1.x to 2.0
displayName: migrate, migration
- name: Overview
uid: migration/1x-to-2x/index
- name: Authentication and Identity
uid: migration/1x-to-2x/identity-2x
- name: ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core
displayName: migrate, migration
- name: Overview
uid: migration/proper-to-2x/index
- name: MVC
uid: migration/mvc
- name: Web API
uid: migration/webapi
- name: Configuration
uid: migration/configuration
- name: Authentication and Identity
uid: migration/identity
- name: ClaimsPrincipal.Current
uid: migration/claimsprincipal-current
- name: Membership to Identity
uid: migration/proper-to-2x/membership-to-core-identity
- name: HTTP modules to middleware
uid: migration/http-modules
- name: Logging (not ASP.NET Core)
displayName: migrate, migration
uid: migration/logging-nonaspnetcore
- name: API reference
href: /dotnet/api/?view=aspnetcore-2.2
- name: Contribute
href: https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md