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Add a model to an ASP.NET Core MVC app rick-anderson Add a model to a simple ASP.NET Core app. wpickett riande 09/18/2017 aspnet get-started-article tutorials/first-mvc-app-xplat/adding-model

Add a model to an ASP.NET Core MVC app


  • Add a class to the Models folder named Movie.cs.
  • Add the following code to the Models/Movie.cs file:


The ID field is required by the database for the primary key.

Build the app to verify you don't have any errors, and you've finally added a Model to your MVC app.

Prepare the project for scaffolding

  • Add the following highlighted NuGet packages to the MvcMovie.csproj file:


  • Save the file and select Restore to the Info message "There are unresolved dependencies".

  • Create a Models/MvcMovieContext.cs file and add the following MvcMovieContext class:


  • Open the Startup.cs file and add two usings:


  • Add the database context to the Startup.cs file:


    This tells Entity Framework which model classes are included in the data model. You're defining one entity set of Movie objects, which will be represented in the database as a Movie table.

  • Build the project to verify there are no errors.

Scaffold the MovieController

Open a terminal window in the project folder and run the following commands:

dotnet restore
dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller -name MoviesController -m Movie -dc MvcMovieContext --relativeFolderPath Controllers --useDefaultLayout --referenceScriptLibraries 

The scaffolding engine creates the following:

  • A movies controller (Controllers/MoviesController.cs)
  • Razor view files for Create, Delete, Details, Edit and Index pages (Views/Movies/*.cshtml)

The automatic creation of CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) action methods and views is known as scaffolding. You'll soon have a fully functional web application that lets you manage a movie database.

[!INCLUDEadding-model 2x]


You now have a database and pages to display, edit, update and delete data. In the next tutorial, we'll work with the database.

Additional resources

[!div class="step-by-step"] Previous - Add a view Next - Working with SQLite