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Continuous deployment to Azure with Visual Studio and Git rick-anderson Learn how to create an ASP.NET Core web app using Visual Studio and deploy it to Azure App Service using Git for continuous deployment. wpickett riande mvc 10/14/2016 aspnet article host-and-deploy/azure-apps/azure-continuous-deployment

Continuous deployment to Azure for ASP.NET Core with Visual Studio and Git

By Erik Reitan

[!INCLUDEAzure App Service Preview Notice]

This tutorial shows how to create an ASP.NET Core web app using Visual Studio and deploy it from Visual Studio to Azure App Service using continuous deployment.

See also Use VSTS to Build and Publish to an Azure Web App with Continuous Deployment, which shows how to configure a continuous delivery (CD) workflow for Azure App Service using Visual Studio Team Services. Azure Continuous Delivery in Team Services simplifies setting up a robust deployment pipeline to publish updates for apps hosted in Azure App Service. The pipeline can be configured from the Azure portal to build, run tests, deploy to a staging slot, and then deploy to production.

[!NOTE] To complete this tutorial, a Microsoft Azure account is required. To obtain an account, activate MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free trial.


This tutorial assumes the following software is installed:

Create an ASP.NET Core web app

  1. Start Visual Studio.

  2. From the File menu, select New > Project.

  3. Select the ASP.NET Core Web Application project template. It appears under Installed > Templates > Visual C# > .NET Core. Name the project SampleWebAppDemo. Select the Create new Git respository option and click OK.

    New Project dialog

  4. In the New ASP.NET Core Project dialog, select the ASP.NET Core Empty template, then click OK.

    New ASP.NET Project dialog

[!NOTE] The most recent release of .NET Core is 2.0.

Running the web app locally

  1. Once Visual Studio finishes creating the app, run the app by selecting Debug > Start Debugging. As an alternative, press F5.

    It may take time to initialize Visual Studio and the new app. Once it's complete, the browser shows the running app.

    Browser window showing running application that displays 'Hello World!'

  2. After reviewing the running Web app, close the browser and select the "Stop Debugging" icon in the toolbar of Visual Studio to stop the app.

Create a web app in the Azure Portal

The following steps create a web app in the Azure Portal:

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.

  2. Select NEW at the top left of the portal interface.

  3. Select Web + Mobile > Web App.

    Microsoft Azure Portal: New button: Web + Mobile under Marketplace: Web App button under Featured Apps

  4. In the Web App blade, enter a unique value for the App Service Name.

    Web App blade

    [!NOTE] The App Service Name name must be unique. The portal enforces this rule when the name is provided. If providing a different value, substitute that value for each occurrence of SampleWebAppDemo in this tutorial.

    Also in the Web App blade, select an existing App Service Plan/Location or create a new one. If creating a new plan, select the pricing tier, location, and other options. For more information on App Service plans, see Azure App Service plans in-depth overview.

  5. Select Create. Azure will provision and start the web app.

    Azure Portal: Sample Web App Demo 01 Essentials blade

Enable Git publishing for the new web app

Git is a distributed version control system that can be used to deploy an Azure App Service web app. Web app code is stored in a local Git repository, and the code is deployed to Azure by pushing to a remote repository.

  1. Log into the Azure Portal.

  2. Select App Services to view a list of the app services associated with the Azure subscription.

  3. Select the web app created in the previous section of this tutorial.

  4. In the Deployment blade, select Deployment options > Choose Source > Local Git Repository.

    Settings blade: Deployment source blade: Choose source blade

  5. Select OK.

  6. If deployment credentials for publishing a web app or other App Service app haven't previously been set up, set them up now:

    • Select Settings > Deployment credentials. The Set deployment credentials blade is displayed.
    • Create a user name and password. Save the password for later use when setting up Git.
    • Select Save.
  7. In the Web App blade, select Settings > Properties. The URL of the remote Git repository to deploy to is shown under GIT URL.

  8. Copy the GIT URL value for later use in the tutorial.

    Azure Portal: application Properties blade

Publish the web app to Azure App Service

In this section, create a local Git repository using Visual Studio and push from that repository to Azure to deploy the web app. The steps involved include the following:

  • Add the remote repository setting using the GIT URL value, so the local repository can be deployed to Azure.
  • Commit project changes.
  • Push project changes from the local repository to the remote repository on Azure.
  1. In Solution Explorer right-click Solution 'SampleWebAppDemo' and select Commit. The Team Explorer is displayed.

    Team Explorer Connect tab

  2. In Team Explorer, select the Home (home icon) > Settings > Repository Settings.

  3. In the Remotes section of the Repository Settings, select Add. The Add Remote dialog box is displayed.

  4. Set the Name of the remote to Azure-SampleApp.

  5. Set the value for Fetch to the Git URL that copied from Azure earlier in this tutorial. Note that this is the URL that ends with .git.

    Edit Remote dialog

    [!NOTE] As an alternative, specify the remote repository from the Command Window by opening the Command Window, changing to the project directory, and entering the command. Example:

    git remote add Azure-SampleApp

  6. Select the Home (home icon) > Settings > Global Settings. Confirm that the name and email address are set. Select Update if required.

  7. Select Home > Changes to return to the Changes view.

  8. Enter a commit message, such as Initial Push #1 and select Commit. This action creates a commit locally.

    Team Explorer Connect tab

    [!NOTE] As an alternative, commit changes from the Command Window by opening the Command Window, changing to the project directory, and entering the git commands. Example:

    git add .

    git commit -am "Initial Push #1"

  9. Select Home > Sync > Actions > Open Command Prompt. The command prompt opens to the project directory.

  10. Enter the following command in the command window:

    git push -u Azure-SampleApp master

  11. Enter the Azure deployment credentials password created earlier in Azure.

    This command starts the process of pushing the local project files to Azure. The output from the above command ends with a message that the deployment was successful.

    remote: Finished successfully.
    remote: Running post deployment command(s)...
    remote: Deployment successful.
    * [new branch]      master -> master
    Branch master set up to track remote branch master from Azure-SampleApp.

    [!NOTE] If collaboration on the project is required, consider pushing to GitHub before pushing to Azure.

Verify the Active Deployment

Verify that the web app transfer from the local environment to Azure is successful.

In the Azure Portal, select the web app. Select Deployment > Deployment options.

Azure Portal: Settings blade: Deployments blade showing successful deployment

Run the app in Azure

Now that the web app is deployed to Azure, run the app.

This can be accomplished in two ways:

  • In the Azure Portal, locate the web app blade for the web app. Select Browse to view the app in the default browser.
  • Open a browser and enter the URL for the web app. Example:

Update the web app and republish

After making changes to the local code, republish:

  1. In Solution Explorer of Visual Studio, open the Startup.cs file.

  2. In the Configure method, modify the Response.WriteAsync method so that it appears as follows:

    await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World! Deploy to Azure.");
  3. Save the changes to Startup.cs.

  4. In Solution Explorer, right-click Solution 'SampleWebAppDemo' and select Commit. The Team Explorer is displayed.

  5. Enter a commit message, such as Update #2.

  6. Press the Commit button to commit the project changes.

  7. Select Home > Sync > Actions > Push.

[!NOTE] As an alternative, push the changes from the Command Window by opening the Command Window, changing to the project directory, and entering a git command. Example:

git push -u Azure-SampleApp master

View the updated web app in Azure

View the updated web app by selecting Browse from the web app blade in the Azure Portal or by opening a browser and entering the URL for the web app. Example:

Additional resources