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Migrate from ASP.NET Core 3.1 to 5.0 scottaddie Learn how to migrate an ASP.NET Core 3.1 project to ASP.NET Core 5.0. scaddie mvc 04/28/2020
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Migrate from ASP.NET Core 3.1 to 5.0

By Scott Addie

This article explains how to update an existing ASP.NET Core 3.1 project to ASP.NET Core 5.0.

[!IMPORTANT] ASP.NET Core 5.0 is currently in preview.


Visual Studio


Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio for Mac


Update .NET Core SDK version in global.json

If you rely upon a global.json file to target a specific .NET Core SDK version, update the version property to the .NET 5.0 SDK version that's installed. For example:

  "sdk": {
-    "version": "3.1.200"
+    "version": "5.0.100-preview.3.20216.6"

Update the target framework

In the project file, update the Target Framework Moniker (TFM) to net5.0:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">

-    <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1</TargetFramework>
+    <TargetFramework>net5.0</TargetFramework>


Update package references

In the project file, update each Microsoft.AspNetCore.* and Microsoft.Extensions.* package reference's Version attribute to 5.0.0 or later. For example:

-    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson" Version="3.1.2" />
-    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="3.1.2" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson" Version="5.0.0-preview.3.20215.14" />
+    <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="5.0.0-preview.3.20215.2" />

Update Docker images

For apps using Docker, use a base image that includes the ASP.NET Core 5.0 runtime. For example:

docker pull

Review breaking changes

For breaking changes from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 5.0, see Breaking changes for migration from version 3.1 to 5.0. ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core are also included in the list.