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Develop ASP.NET Core apps using OpenAPI |
ryanbrandenburg |
Demonstrates how to use the 'Microsoft.dotnet-openapi' tool to add references to OpenAPI files. |
rybrande |
09/26/2019 |
>= aspnetcore-3.0 |
cookie |
Cookie |
Blazor |
Blazor Server |
Blazor WebAssembly |
Identity |
Let's Encrypt |
Razor |
SignalR |
web-api/Microsoft.dotnet-openapi |
Develop ASP.NET Core apps using OpenAPI tools
By Ryan Brandenburg
Microsoft.dotnet-openapi is a .NET Core Global Tool for managing OpenAPI references within a project.
To install Microsoft.dotnet-openapi
, run the following command:
dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.dotnet-openapi
Adding an OpenAPI reference using any of the commands on this page adds an <OpenApiReference />
element similar to the following to the .csproj file:
<OpenApiReference Include="openapi.json" />
The preceding reference is required for the app to call the generated client code.
Add File
Short option |
Long option |
Description |
Example |
-p |
--updateProject |
The project to operate on. |
dotnet openapi add file --updateProject .\Ref.csproj .\OpenAPI.json |
-c |
--code-generator |
The code generator to apply to the reference. Options are NSwagCSharp and NSwagTypeScript . If --code-generator is not specified the tooling defaults to NSwagCSharp . |
dotnet openapi add file .\OpenApi.json --code-generator |
-h |
--help |
Show help information |
dotnet openapi add file --help |
Argument |
Description |
Example |
source-file |
The source to create a reference from. Must be an OpenAPI file. |
dotnet openapi add file .\OpenAPI.json |
Short option |
Long option |
Description |
Example |
-p |
--updateProject |
The project to operate on. |
dotnet openapi add url --updateProject .\Ref.csproj https://contoso.com/openapi.json |
-o |
--output-file |
Where to place the local copy of the OpenAPI file. |
dotnet openapi add url https://contoso.com/openapi.json --output-file myclient.json |
-c |
--code-generator |
The code generator to apply to the reference. Options are NSwagCSharp and NSwagTypeScript . |
dotnet openapi add file .\OpenApi.json --code-generator |
-h |
--help |
Show help information |
dotnet openapi add url --help |
Argument |
Description |
Example |
source-URL |
The source to create a reference from. Must be a URL. |
dotnet openapi add url https://contoso.com/openapi.json |
Removes the OpenAPI reference matching the given filename from the .csproj file. When the OpenAPI reference is removed, clients won't be generated. Local .json and .yaml files are deleted.
Short option |
Long option |
Description |
Example |
-p |
--updateProject |
The project to operate on. |
dotnet openapi remove --updateProject .\Ref.csproj .\OpenAPI.json |
-h |
--help |
Show help information |
dotnet openapi remove --help |
Argument |
Description |
Example |
source-file |
The source to remove the reference to. |
dotnet openapi remove .\OpenAPI.json |
Refreshes the local version of a file that was downloaded using the latest content from the download URL.
Short option |
Long option |
Description |
Example |
-p |
--updateProject |
The project to operate on. |
dotnet openapi refresh --updateProject .\Ref.csproj https://contoso.com/openapi.json |
-h |
--help |
Show help information |
dotnet openapi refresh --help |
Argument |
Description |
Example |
source-URL |
The URL to refresh the reference from. |
dotnet openapi refresh https://contoso.com/openapi.json |