The .NET Podcast can be configured to use authentication from an OAuth provider. The `feeds` route has been configured to allow updates and deletions only from authenticated clients. This guide assumes that Azure Active Directory will be used as the authentication provider.
## Prerequisites
- An Azure account with an active subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a [free account]( before you begin.
- Deploy the dotnet-podcasts application. Follow the detailed guidelines [here](../../
- Azure Active Directory has been configured for a domain. Follow the [Create and configure an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain]( tutorial, if you do not currently have domain services configured.
- The .NET CLI will need to be installed and configured. See the [.NET CLI overview]( for more information and how to install the .NET SDK.
## Configure Azure Active Directory
1. Sign in to the [Azure Portal](
1. Select the `Azure Active Directory` option from the side menu
1. On the app registration overview page, take note of the `Application (client) ID` and `Directory (tenant) ID` as we will need this information for a later step.
1. Select the `Manage > App Roles` side menu option from the app registration management page.
| Allowed member types | `Both (Users/Groups + Applications)` |
| Value | `API.Access` |
| Description | `Allows a user to edit in the api.` |
| Do you want to enable this app role? | `Enabled` |
## Enable Authentication in the Podcast.API
1. In the `Podcast.API` project, open the `appsettings.json` (or environment specific file such as `appsettings.Development.json`).
1. Add a new top-level property of `AzureAd` with the following configurations. The `{DOMAIN}`, `{AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID}`, and `{AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID}` will need to be replaced with values captured earlier when configuring your app registration.
1. Using a terminal with .NET CLI available, navigate to the folder that contains the `Podcast.API` project and execute the following command. The `{TENANT_ID}` parameter will need to be replaced with the tenant id captured earlier when configuring your app registration.
1. Using the swagger UI, expand the `Get /feeds` option and `Execute`. From the response body, select the `id` value from one of the returned feed items.
1. Using the swagger UI, expand the `Delete /feeds` option, select the `try it out` option, paste the `id` copied from the previous step into the `id` field, and `Execute`. If everything is authenticated successfully, you will receive a `204` code.