### Blazor Hybrid + .NET MAUI Setup The .NET MAUI & Blazor Hybrid apps are setup to run locally against the APIs running in Docker. If you are unable to deploy locally, you can use these pre-deployed services: Open `src/MobileBlazor/mauiapp/MauiProgram.cs` and enter ```csharp public static string BaseWeb = $"https://dotnetpodcasts.azurewebsites.net/"; public static string APIUrl = $"https://podcastapica.delightfulocean-02c18c32.canadacentral.azurecontainerapps.io"; public static string ListenTogetherUrl = $"https://dotnetpodcasts-listentogether-hub.azurewebsites.net/listentogether"; ``` Watch the .NET Conf 2021 demo of Blaozry Hybrid & .NET MAUI here: https://youtu.be/gYQxBHjRNr0?t=3999