@description('Name of the azure container registry (must be globally unique)') @minLength(5) @maxLength(50) param acrName string @description('Enable an admin user that has push/pull permission to the registry.') param acrAdminUserEnabled bool = true @description('Location for all resources.') param location string = resourceGroup().location @description('Tier of your Azure Container Registry.') @allowed([ 'Basic' 'Standard' 'Premium' ]) param acrSku string = 'Basic' resource acr 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries@2021-09-01' = { name: acrName location: location tags: { displayName: 'Container Registry' 'container.registry': acrName } sku: { name: acrSku } properties: { adminUserEnabled: acrAdminUserEnabled } } output acrLoginServer string = acr.properties.loginServer