Michael Stonis 685e85eb7d
update to github markdown
2023-03-31 10:03:51 -05:00
images update to github markdown 2023-03-31 10:03:51 -05:00


The .NET Podcast can be configured to use authentication from an OAuth provider. The feeds route has been configured to allow updates and deletions only from authenticated clients. This guide assumes that Azure Active Directory will be used as the authentication provider.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.

  • Deploy the dotnet-podcasts application. Follow the detailed guidelines here.

  • Azure Active Directory has been configured for a domain. Follow the Create and configure an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain tutorial, if you do not currently have domain services configured.

  • The .NET CLI will need to be installed and configured. See the .NET CLI overview for more information and how to install the .NET SDK.

Configure Azure Active Directory

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal

  2. Select the Azure Active Directory option from the side menu

    select active directory

  3. Select the App registrations option from the Azure Active Directory side menu.

    select app registrations

  4. Select the New registration option from the Azure Active Directory top menu.

    select new registration

  5. On the Register an application page, provide a name for the application and select Register.

    provide application name and select register

  6. On the app registration overview page, take note of the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID as we will need this information for a later step.

  7. Select the Manage > App Roles side menu option from the app registration management page.

    select manage > app roles

  8. Select the Create app role option from the App roles top menu.

    create app role

  9. Configure the app role with the following information and select Apply.

    create app role

    Configuration Value
    Display Name API Access
    Allowed member types Both (Users/Groups + Applications)
    Value API.Access
    Description Allows a user to edit in the api.
    Do you want to enable this app role? Enabled

Enable Authentication in the Podcast.API

  1. In the Podcast.API project, open the appsettings.json (or environment specific file such as appsettings.Development.json).

  2. Add a new top-level property of AzureAd with the following configurations. The {DOMAIN}, {AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID}, and {AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID} will need to be replaced with values captured earlier when configuring your app registration.

      "Logging": {
        "LogLevel": {
          "Default": "Information",
          "Microsoft": "Warning",
          "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
      "ConnectionStrings": {
        "PodcastDb": "Server=localhost, 5433;Database=Podcast;User Id=sa;Password=Pass@word;Encrypt=False",
        "FeedQueue": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true"
      "AzureAd": {
        "Instance": "",
        "Domain": "{DOMAIN}",
        "TenantId": "{AZURE_AD_TENANT_ID}",
        "ClientId": "{AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID}"
      "Authentication": {
        "Schemes": {
          "Bearer": {
            "ValidAudiences": ["1ba2c41d-3a54-414a-9700-1f9393cfafca"],
            "ValidIssuer": "dotnet-user-jwts"
  3. Uncomment the following line from the Program.cs file.

  4. Start debugging or deploying your application.

Testing Configurations

  1. Using a terminal with .NET CLI available, navigate to the folder that contains the Podcast.API project and execute the following command. The {TENANT_ID} parameter will need to be replaced with the tenant id captured earlier when configuring your app registration.

    dotnet user-jwts create --audience 1ba2c41d-3a54-414a-9700-1f9393cfafca --claim "scp=API.Access" --claim "tid={TENANT_ID}"
  2. When this executes, it will generate a new Token. Select the token value for later use.

    select generated token

  3. Navigate to the Podcast.API swagger page. If debugging it may be https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html.

  4. Select the Authorize button, add the Token value generated previously, select Authorize, and select Close.

    select authorize in swagger

    add swagger authorization

  5. Using the swagger UI, expand the Get /feeds option and Execute. From the response body, select the id value from one of the returned feed items. select get /feeds

  6. Using the swagger UI, expand the Delete /feeds option, select the try it out option, paste the id copied from the previous step into the id field, and Execute. If everything is authenticated successfully, you will receive a 204 code.

    delete /feed item