# Free Services & Tools for Open Source .NET Projects
This community maintained list showcases free tools and services for open source software development on .NET. If you know of any additions to this list PR a change. This list focuses on services specifically supporting .NET development - a list covering a wide range of platforms is available at [OSS Perks](http://ossperks.com/).
Please sort projects alphabetically and provide a one-line description. Where possible links should be to a page showing free open source plans (for example a web page, blog post or pricing page with open source plan detailed). Create new sections, as appropriate.
* [ReSharper](https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/?product=resharper) - Visual Studio extension providing code analysis, formatting, refactoring and more.
* [Visual Studio Community](http://www.visualstudio.com/en-gb/products/visual-studio-community-vs) - Full version of Visual Studio available free
* [VS Anywhere](https://vsanywhere.com/open_source_students_and_educational_centers.aspx) - Visual Studio extension for in IDE collaborative development.
* [Sonarqube](https://www.sonarsource.com/open-source-editions/)-static code analysis tools out there. It is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality and performs automatic reviews via static code analysis
* [countly](https://countly.com) - comprehensive product analytics platform needed to build outstanding and innovative products and the most privacy-conscious solution for mobile,
desktop, and web applications for all users.
* [elmah](https://elmah.io) - Error logging and uptime monitoring for .NET.
* [Azure SDK for .NET](https://www.visualstudio.com/features/azure-tools-vs) - Easily build, manage, and deploy cloud-scale apps with Visual Studio and Azure.