The original implementation of the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Equals%2A?displayProperty=nameWithType> method compares two different string properties from
the objects being compared: the category name and the description string. The fix is to compare
the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Category> of the first object to the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Category> of the second one, and the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Description> of the first to the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Description> of the second.
If your application depends on <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Equals%2A?displayProperty=nameWithType> sometimes returning `false` when descriptors
are equivalent, and you are targeting the .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later, you have several options:
1. Make code changes to compare the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Category> and <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Description> fields manually in addition to
calling the <xref:System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Equals%2A?displayProperty=nameWithType> method.
2. Opt out of this change by adding the following value to the app.config file: