//A description of the Scope values can be found at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/framework/migration-guide/net-compatibility-diagnostics
[|Version in which the breaking change first occured|]
### Version Reverted
[|Version in which the breaking change was reverted. If not applicable, please remove|]
### Source Analyzer Status
// Flag that specifies whether an analyzer for Microsoft.DotNet.FrameworkCompatibilityDiagnostics has been or will be written
// For more information on the diagnostics, see this blog: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2016/03/03/net-framework-compatibility-diagnostics/
### Change Description
[|Description of what a change does and how it may affect someone|]
// Replace the space with an 'x' if applicable
- [ ] Quirked // Uses some mechanism to turn the feature on or off, usually using runtime targeting, AppContext or config files. Needs to be turned on automatically for some situations.
- [ ] Build-time break // Causes a break if attempted to recompile