Add scripts to accelerate NGEN compilation (#332)

- Context:
- The files were on a webserver before. Now, they will be more easily
Rich Lander 2016-10-26 15:33:11 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent b47ef2c69a
commit ae6e4cbe71
2 changed files with 156 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Script to force the .NET Framework optimization service to run at maximum speed.
$isWin8Plus = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge (new-object 'Version' 6,2)
$dotnetDir = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("windir","Machine") + "\Microsoft.NET\Framework"
$dotnet2 = "v2.0.50727"
$dotnet4 = "v4.0.30319"
$dotnetVersion = if (Test-Path ($dotnetDir + "\" + $dotnet4 + "\ngen.exe")) {$dotnet4} else {$dotnet2}
$ngen32 = $dotnetDir + "\" + $dotnetVersion +"\ngen.exe"
$ngen64 = $dotnetDir + "64\" + $dotnetVersion +"\ngen.exe"
$ngenArgs = " executeQueuedItems"
$is64Bit = Test-Path $ngen64
#32-bit NGEN -- appropriate for 32-bit and 64-bit machines
Write-Host("Requesting 32-bit NGEN")
Start-Process -wait $ngen32 -ArgumentList $ngenArgs
#64-bit NGEN -- appropriate for 64-bit machines
if ($is64Bit) {
Write-Host("Requesting 64-bit NGEN")
Start-Process -wait $ngen64 -ArgumentList $ngenArgs
#AutoNGEN for Windows 8+ machines
if ($isWin8Plus) {
Write-Host("Requesting 32-bit AutoNGEN -- Windows 8+")
schTasks /run /Tn "\Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319"
#64-bit AutoNGEN for Windows 8+ machines
if ($isWin8Plus -and $is64Bit) {
Write-Host("Requesting 64-bit AutoNGEN -- Windows 8+")
schTasks /run /Tn "\Microsoft\Windows\.NET Framework\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319 64"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
<package><job id="DrainNGenQueue.wsf">
<script language="JScript">
var wsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var is64bit = function () {
if (wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%").indexOf("64") > 0)
return true;
return (wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%").indexOf("64") > 0);
var isV4Installed = function () {
var v4NgenLoc = wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319\\ngen.exe");
return fso.FileExists(v4NgenLoc);
// Run an exe, collecting its exit code, stdout & stderr, optionally echoing the results to the window
var runToCompletion = function (exe, arguments, echo) {
var makeResult = function (exitCode, stdOut, stdErr) {
return { ExitCode: exitCode, StdOut: stdOut, StdErr: stdErr };
var getStream = function (strm) {
var line = "";
if (!strm.AtEndOfStream) {
line = strm.ReadAll();
if (echo)
return line;
var process = wsh.Exec(exe + " " + arguments);
var output = "";
var error = "";
while (process.Status == 0) {
output += getStream(process.StdOut);
error += getStream(process.StdErr);
output += getStream(process.StdOut);
error += getStream(process.StdErr);
return makeResult(process.ExitCode, output, error);
var ver = function () {
var ver = runToCompletion(wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\system32\\cmd.exe"), "/C ver");
var rgx = / ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+/;
var res = rgx.exec(ver.StdOut);
return {major: res[1], minor :res[2]};
// true if the OS version is 6.2 or later
var isOSWin8OrLater = (ver.major == 6 && ver.minor >= 2) || (ver.major > 6);
var preVista = (ver.major < 6);
// This re-launches the script under an elevated cscript window if it's either
// not already running as elevated, or it's running under wscript.exe instead.
// Note that is doesn't pass any arguments, because this particular script doesn't have any
var validateElevatedCScript = function () {
// Return "Elevated", "Not elevated", "Unknown", or "Error" regarding elevation status
var elevatedStatus = function () {
if (preVista)
return "Unknown";
// From technet, translated from VBScript & munged
var whoami = runToCompletion("whoami", "/groups", false);
if (whoami.ExitCode == 0) {
if (whoami.StdOut.indexOf("S-1-16-12288") >= 0) {
return "Elevated";
} else if (whoami.StdOut.indexOf("S-1-16-8192") >= 0) {
return "Not elevated";
} else {
return "Unknown";
} else if (whoami.StdErr.length != 0) {
return "Error";
var shell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application");
var scriptHost = WScript.FullName; // This is the path to cscript.exe or wscript.exe
var wsfPath = WScript.ScriptFullName; // This is the full path to the .wsf file being run
var isCScript = scriptHost.toLowerCase().indexOf("\\cscript.exe") >= 0;
if (isCScript && elevatedStatus != "Not elevated")
if (!isCScript)
scriptHost = fso.GetParentFolderName(scriptHost) + "\\cscript.exe";
if (preVista)
shell.ShellExecute(scriptHost, "\"" + wsfPath + "\"");
shell.ShellExecute(scriptHost, "\"" + wsfPath + "\"", "", "runas", 1);
var drainNGenQueue = function (ver) {
var dotNetRoot = wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework");
var getNGenBinary = function (is64Bit, ver) {
return dotNetRoot + (is64Bit ? "64" : "") + "\\" + ver + "\\ngen.exe";
var ngen32 = getNGenBinary(false, ver);
var ngen64 = getNGenBinary(true, ver);
var argument = "executeQueuedItems";
runToCompletion(ngen32, argument, true);
if (is64bit)
runToCompletion(ngen64, argument, true);
var drainAppStoreQueue = function () {
var schTasks = wsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\\System32\\schtasks.exe");
var arguments = "/run /Tn \"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\.NET Framework\\.NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319";
runToCompletion(schTasks, arguments + "\"", true);
if (is64bit)
runToCompletion(schTasks, arguments + " 64\"", true);
drainNGenQueue(isV4Installed ? "v4.0.30319" : "v2.0.50727");
if (isOSWin8OrLater) {