## ASP.NET MVC now escapes spaces in strings passed in via route parameters ### Scope Minor ### Version Introduced 4.5.2 ### Source Analyzer Status Available ### Change Description In order to conform to RFC 2396, spaces in route paths are now escaped when populating action parameters from a route. So, whereas `/controller/action/some data` would previously match the route `/controller/action/{data}` and provide `some data` as the data parameter, it will now provide `some%20data` instead. - [ ] Quirked - [ ] Build-time break ### Recommended Action Code should be updated to unescape string parameters from a route. If the original URI is needed, it can be accessed with the .OriginalString API. ### Affected APIs * `M:System.Web.Http.RouteAttribute.#ctor(System.String)` ### Category ASP.NET [More information](http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/878827/issues-with-encoding-in-web-api-in-4-5-2)