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[|Breaking Change Title|]

// There is no built in way to do comments in Markdown, so this C# style comment used to mark comments. Please remove all of these before submission // Please use proper markdown syntax for code snippets. See for examples // Entries with [| ... |] are fields that must be updated.


[|Major|Minor|Edge|Transparent|] //A description of the Scope values can be found at

Version Introduced

[|Version in which the breaking change first occurred|]

Version Reverted

[|Version in which the breaking change was reverted. If not applicable, please remove|]

Source Analyzer Status

// Flag that specifies whether an analyzer for Microsoft.DotNet.FrameworkCompatibilityDiagnostics has been or will be written // For more information on the diagnostics, see this blog: [|Investigating|Planned|Available|NotPlanned|]

Change Description

[|Description of what a change does and how it may affect someone|]

// Replace the space with an 'x' if applicable

  • Quirked // Uses some mechanism to turn the feature on or off, usually using runtime targeting, AppContext or config files. Needs to be turned on automatically for some situations.
  • Build-time break // Causes a break if attempted to recompile

[| Suggested steps if user is affected go here:

  • Example of code changes to handle change
  • How to opt out of change
  • For earlier versions, how to opt in to change |]

Affected APIs

[| List of APIs affected by change referred to using docids|]

// For details on how to generate docids, please look at other change files or // see for the spec. // // For example, if all members of System.Xml.XmlTextReader is affected, we would have the following item: // * T:System.Xml.XmlTextReader // // Notice that only the type is included, as everything contained with it will be included as well. This works for any level of the type // hierarchy and allows for whole namespaces to be included if needed. // // If no specific API is affected, use the following entry: // * Not detectable via API analysis


[|Pick a category from the list of supported categories|]

// If no link is available, please remove this line More information