const val POINTS_X_PASS: Int = 15 val EZPassAccounts: MutableMap = mutableMapOf(1 to 100, 2 to 100, 3 to 100) val EZPassReport: Map = EZPassAccounts // update points credit fun updatePointsCredit(accountId: Int) { if (EZPassAccounts.containsKey(accountId)) { println("Updating $accountId...") EZPassAccounts[accountId] = EZPassAccounts.getValue(accountId) + POINTS_X_PASS } else { println("Error: Trying to update a non-existing account (id: $accountId)") } } fun accountsReport() { println("EZ-Pass report:") EZPassReport.forEach{ k, v -> println("ID $k: credit $v") } } fun main() { accountsReport() updatePointsCredit(1) updatePointsCredit(1) updatePointsCredit(5) accountsReport() }