/// (function () { 'use strict'; var isMac = /Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent); window.onload = function () { require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function () { xhr('playground/monaco.d.ts.txt').then(function (response) { monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib( response.responseText, 'ts:monaco.d.ts' ); monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib( [ 'declare var require: {', ' toUrl(path: string): string;', ' (moduleName: string): any;', ' (dependencies: string[], callback: (...args: any[]) => any, errorback?: (err: any) => void): any;', ' config(data: any): any;', ' onError: Function;', '};' ].join('\n'), 'ts:require.d.ts' ); }); var loading = document.getElementById('loading'); loading.parentNode.removeChild(loading); load(); }); }; var editor = null; var data = { js: { model: null, state: null }, css: { model: null, state: null }, html: { model: null, state: null } }; function load() { function layout() { var GLOBAL_PADDING = 20; var WIDTH = window.innerWidth - 2 * GLOBAL_PADDING; var HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; var TITLE_HEIGHT = 110; var FOOTER_HEIGHT = 80; var TABS_HEIGHT = 20; var INNER_PADDING = 20; var SWITCHER_HEIGHT = 30; var HALF_WIDTH = Math.floor((WIDTH - INNER_PADDING) / 2); var REMAINING_HEIGHT = HEIGHT - TITLE_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - SWITCHER_HEIGHT; playgroundContainer.style.width = WIDTH + 'px'; playgroundContainer.style.height = HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT + 'px'; sampleSwitcher.style.position = 'absolute'; sampleSwitcher.style.top = TITLE_HEIGHT + 'px'; sampleSwitcher.style.left = GLOBAL_PADDING + 'px'; typingContainer.style.position = 'absolute'; typingContainer.style.top = GLOBAL_PADDING + TITLE_HEIGHT + SWITCHER_HEIGHT + 'px'; typingContainer.style.left = GLOBAL_PADDING + 'px'; typingContainer.style.width = HALF_WIDTH + 'px'; typingContainer.style.height = REMAINING_HEIGHT + 'px'; tabArea.style.position = 'absolute'; tabArea.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; tabArea.style.top = 0; tabArea.style.left = 0; tabArea.style.width = HALF_WIDTH + 'px'; tabArea.style.height = TABS_HEIGHT + 'px'; editorContainer.style.position = 'absolute'; editorContainer.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; editorContainer.style.top = TABS_HEIGHT + 'px'; editorContainer.style.left = 0; editorContainer.style.width = HALF_WIDTH + 'px'; editorContainer.style.height = REMAINING_HEIGHT - TABS_HEIGHT + 'px'; if (editor) { editor.layout({ width: HALF_WIDTH - 2, height: REMAINING_HEIGHT - TABS_HEIGHT - 1 }); } runContainer.style.position = 'absolute'; runContainer.style.top = GLOBAL_PADDING + TITLE_HEIGHT + SWITCHER_HEIGHT + TABS_HEIGHT + 'px'; runContainer.style.left = GLOBAL_PADDING + INNER_PADDING + HALF_WIDTH + 'px'; runContainer.style.width = HALF_WIDTH + 'px'; runContainer.style.height = REMAINING_HEIGHT - TABS_HEIGHT + 'px'; runIframeHeight = REMAINING_HEIGHT - TABS_HEIGHT; if (runIframe) { runIframe.style.height = runIframeHeight + 'px'; } } function changeTab(selectedTabNode, desiredModelId) { for (var i = 0; i < tabArea.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = tabArea.childNodes[i]; if (/tab/.test(child.className)) { child.className = 'tab'; } } selectedTabNode.className = 'tab active'; var currentState = editor.saveViewState(); var currentModel = editor.getModel(); if (currentModel === data.js.model) { data.js.state = currentState; } else if (currentModel === data.css.model) { data.css.state = currentState; } else if (currentModel === data.html.model) { data.html.state = currentState; } editor.setModel(data[desiredModelId].model); editor.restoreViewState(data[desiredModelId].state); editor.focus(); } // create the typing side var typingContainer = document.createElement('div'); typingContainer.className = 'typingContainer'; var tabArea = (function () { var tabArea = document.createElement('div'); tabArea.className = 'tabArea'; var jsTab = document.createElement('span'); jsTab.className = 'tab active'; jsTab.appendChild(document.createTextNode('JavaScript')); jsTab.onclick = function () { changeTab(jsTab, 'js'); }; tabArea.appendChild(jsTab); var cssTab = document.createElement('span'); cssTab.className = 'tab'; cssTab.appendChild(document.createTextNode('CSS')); cssTab.onclick = function () { changeTab(cssTab, 'css'); }; tabArea.appendChild(cssTab); var htmlTab = document.createElement('span'); htmlTab.className = 'tab'; htmlTab.appendChild(document.createTextNode('HTML')); htmlTab.onclick = function () { changeTab(htmlTab, 'html'); }; tabArea.appendChild(htmlTab); var runLabel = 'Press ' + (isMac ? 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