function loadDevEditor() { return (getQueryStringValue('editor') === 'dev'); } function getQueryStringValue (key) { return unescape( RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\?]" + escape(key).replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$", "i"), "$1")); } (function() { // Resolve paths // should run the editor and/or plugins from source? (or from the node module) if (loadDevEditor()) { METADATA.CORE.path = METADATA.CORE.srcPath; } else { METADATA.CORE.path = '/monaco-editor/' + METADATA.CORE.path; } METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { // should run the editor plugins from source? (or from node modules) if (plugin.srcPath && getQueryStringValue( === 'dev') { plugin.path = plugin.srcPath; } else { plugin.path = '/monaco-editor/' + plugin.path; } }); })(); function loadEditor(callback, PATH_PREFIX) { PATH_PREFIX = PATH_PREFIX || ''; var pathsConfig = {}; METADATA.PLUGINS.forEach(function(plugin) { pathsConfig[plugin.modulePrefix] = PATH_PREFIX + plugin.path; }); pathsConfig['vs'] = PATH_PREFIX + METADATA.CORE.path; // console.log(JSON.stringify(pathsConfig, null, '\t')); require.config({ paths: pathsConfig }); require(['vs/editor/editor.main'], function() { // At this point we've loaded the monaco-editor-core require( { return plugin.contrib; }), function() { // At this point we've loaded all the plugins callback(); // require(['./index'], function() {}); }); }); }