2024-09-27 06:56:35 +08:00
# Node.js documentation style guide
This guide provides clear and concise instructions to help you create well-organized and readable documentation for
the Node.js community. It covers organization, spelling, formatting, and more to ensure consistency and
professionalism across all documents.
## Table of contents
1. [General Guidelines](#general-guidelines)
2. [Writing Style](#writing-style)
3. [Punctuation](#punctuation)
4. [Document Structure](#document-structure)
5. [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
6. [Code Blocks](#code-blocks)
7. [Formatting](#formatting)
8. [Product and Project Naming](#product-and-project-naming)
## General guidelines
### File naming
* **Markdown Files:** Use `lowercase-with-dashes.md`.
* Use underscores only if they are part of the topic name (e.g., `child_process`).
* Some files, like top-level Markdown files, may be exceptions.
### Text wrapping
* Wrap documents at 120 characters per line to enhance readability and version control.
### Editor configuration
* Follow the formatting rules specified in `.editorconfig`.
* A [plugin][] is available for some editors to enforce these rules.
### Testing documentation
* Validate documentation changes using `make test-doc -j` or `vcbuild test-doc`.
## Writing style
### Spelling and grammar
* **Spelling:** Use [US spelling][].
* **Grammar:** Use clear, concise language. Avoid unnecessary jargon.
### Commas
* **Serial Commas:** Use [serial commas][] for clarity.
* Example: _apples, oranges<b>,</b> and bananas_
### Pronouns
2020-07-14 13:03:35 +08:00
* Avoid first-person pronouns (_I_, _we_).
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* Exception: Use _we recommend foo_ instead of _foo is recommended_.
### Gender-neutral language
* Use gender-neutral pronouns and plural nouns.
2020-07-14 13:03:35 +08:00
* OK: _they_, _their_, _them_, _folks_, _people_, _developers_
* NOT OK: _his_, _hers_, _him_, _her_, _guys_, _dudes_
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### Terminology
* Use precise technical terms and avoid colloquialisms.
* Define any specialized terms or acronyms at first use.
## Punctuation
### Terminal punctuation
* Place inside parentheses or quotes if the content is a complete clause.
* Place outside if the content is a fragment of a clause.
### Quotation marks
* Use double quotation marks for direct quotes.
* Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes.
### Colons and semicolons
* Use colons to introduce lists or explanations.
* Use semicolons to link closely related independent clauses.
## Document structure
### Headings
* Start documents with a level-one heading (`#`).
* Use subsequent headings (`##`, `###`, etc.) to organize content hierarchically.
### Links
* Prefer reference-style links (`[a link][]`) over inline links (`[a link](http://example.com)`).
### Lists
* Use bullet points for unordered lists and numbers for ordered lists.
* Keep list items parallel in structure.
### Tables
* Use tables to present structured information clearly. Ensure they are readable in plain text.
## API documentation
### YAML comments
* Update the YAML comments associated with the API, especially when introducing or deprecating an API.
### Usage examples
* Provide a usage example or a link to an example for every function.
### Parameter descriptions
* Clearly describe parameters and return values, including types and defaults.
* Example:
* `byteOffset` {integer} Index of first byte to expose. **Default:** `0`.
## Code blocks
### Language-aware fences
* Use language-aware fences (e.g., ` ```js `) for code blocks.
* **Info String:** Use the appropriate info string from the following list:
| Language | Info String |
| ---------------- | ------------ |
| Bash | `bash` |
| C | `c` |
| CommonJS | `cjs` |
| CoffeeScript | `coffee` |
| Terminal Session | `console` |
| C++ | `cpp` |
| Diff | `diff` |
| HTTP | `http` |
| JavaScript | `js` |
| JSON | `json` |
| Markdown | `markdown` |
| EcmaScript | `mjs` |
| Powershell | `powershell` |
| R | `r` |
| Plaintext | `text` |
| TypeScript | `typescript` |
* Use `text` for languages not listed until their grammar is added to [`remark-preset-lint-node`][].
### Code comments
* Use comments to explain complex logic within code examples.
* Follow the standard commenting style of the respective language.
## Formatting
### Escaping characters
* Use backslash-escaping for underscores, asterisks, and backticks: `\_`, `\*`, `` \` ``.
### Naming conventions
* **Constructors:** Use PascalCase.
* **Instances:** Use camelCase.
* **Methods:** Indicate methods with parentheses: `socket.end()` instead of `socket.end`.
### Function arguments and returns
* **Arguments:**
* `name` {type|type2} Optional description. **Default:** `value`.
* `byteOffset` {integer} Index of first byte to expose. **Default:** `0`.
* **Returns:**
* Returns: {type|type2} Optional description.
* Returns: {AsyncHook} A reference to `asyncHook`.
## Product and project naming
<!-- lint disable prohibited-strings remark-lint-->
### Official styling
* Use official capitalization for products and projects.
2017-11-19 06:09:05 +08:00
* OK: JavaScript, Google's V8
* NOT OK: Javascript, Google's v8
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### Node.js references
* Use _Node.js_ instead of _Node_, _NodeJS_, or similar variants.
* For the executable, _`node`_ is acceptable.
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### Version references
* Use _Node.js_ and the version number in prose. Do not prefix the version number with _v_.
2020-06-06 01:33:27 +08:00
* OK: _Node.js 14.x_, _Node.js 14.3.1_
* NOT OK: _Node.js v14_
2017-02-12 17:12:11 +08:00
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<!-- lint enable prohibited-strings remark-lint-->
For topics not addressed here, please consult the [Microsoft Writing Style Guide][].
2018-04-16 19:29:39 +08:00
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2020-08-18 14:01:10 +08:00
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[Microsoft Writing Style Guide]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/welcome/
[US spelling]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/word-choice/use-us-spelling-avoid-non-english-words
2020-08-18 14:01:10 +08:00
[`remark-preset-lint-node`]: https://github.com/nodejs/remark-preset-lint-node
2019-09-04 14:39:05 +08:00
[plugin]: https://editorconfig.org/#download
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[serial commas]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/punctuation/commas