2011-12-12 14:25:42 +08:00
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< p > Node's most valuable feature is the friendly and colorful community of developers. There are many places where this group congregates on the internet. This page attempts to highlight the best forums.< / p >
< h2 > Periodicals< / h2 >
2011-12-13 01:19:30 +08:00
< p > < a href = "http://howtonode.org/" > How To Node< / a > has a
2011-12-12 14:25:42 +08:00
growing number of useful tutorials. < a
href="http://planetnodejs.com">Planet Node< / a > is an
aggregator of Node developer blogs. < a
href="http://nodeup.com/">NodeUp< / a >
is a podcast covering the latest Node news in the
community. The < a
Overflow node.js tag< / a > is collecting new information
every day.< / p >
< h2 > GitHub< / h2 >
< p > All development takes place at < a
href="http://github.com/joyent/node">http://github.com/joyent/node< / a > .
The comments on commit messages are often source of heated
discussion regarding core development. The < a
href="http://github.com/joyent/node/wiki">GitHub Node
wiki< / a > is full of useful links for newcomers. Don't
miss < a
Applications, and Companies Using Node< / a > or the < a
long list of Node modules< / a > , many of which are
published in the < a href = "http://search.npmjs.org/" > npm
registry< / a > .< / p >
< p > < a href = "http://notinventedhe.re/on/2011-7-26" > < img
src="not-invented-here.png" width="100%" />< / a > Bugs
should be reported to < a
href="https://github.com/joyent/node/issues">https://github.com/joyent/node/issues< / a > .
Fixes to the code are welcome! Please see our < a
guidelines< / a > for information on how to submit a
patch.< / p >
< h2 > Mailing Lists< / h2 >
< p > The < a
mailing list< / a > is used for announcements, discussion,
and flame wars about Node. The < a
development mailing list< / a > is used for discussion of
internal design and feature proposals.< / p >
< h2 > IRC< / h2 >
< p > For real-time chat about Node development go to
< code > irc.freenode.net< / code > in the < code > #node.js< / code >
channel with an < a href = "http://www.mirc.com" > IRC< / a > < a
href="http://colloquy.info/">client< / a > or connect in
your web browser to the channel using < a
WebChat< / a > . Felix Geisendörfer keeps < a
href="http://nodejs.debuggable.com/">logs of the
channel< / a > for those who miss a day.< / p >
< h2 > Conferences< / h2 >
2011-12-13 01:19:30 +08:00
< p > < a href = "http://www.nodeconf.com/" > NodeConf< / a >
2011-12-12 14:25:42 +08:00
conferences are the main event in the United States; they
2011-12-13 01:19:30 +08:00
are organized by < a href = "http://www.mikealrogers.com/" > Mikeal Rogers< / a > .
< a href = "http://nodefest.jp/" > NodeFest (東京Node学園祭)< / a >
2011-12-12 14:25:42 +08:00
is organized by the < a href = "http://nodejs.jp" > Node.js
Japan user group< / a > . < a
href="http://nodecamp.de/">NodeCamp.de< / a > in Cologne,
Germany is organized by < a href = "railslove.de" > Rails
Love< / a > . An < a href = "http://nodejsconf.it/" > Italian
Node.js Conference< / a > exists as well. < a
href="http://nodesummit.com/">Node Summit< / a > is a
conference in San Francisco focusing on the adoption of
Node in larger companies. < a
href="http://jsconf.com/">JSConf< / a > organizes the main
JavaScript conferences.< / p >
< h2 > Localized Sites< / h2 >
< p > < code > nodejs.org< / code > does not maintain any
translations into other languages. However there are
community websites in various languages with mailing lists
and translations of the website.< / p >
< p > < a href = "http://nodejs.ru/" > nodejs.ru< / a > Russian blog.
< br / >
< a href = "http://nodejs.ir" > nodejs.ir< / a > Iran group in Persian
< br / >
< a href = "http://nodejs.jp/" > nodejs.jp< / a > Japan user group
< br / >
< a href = "http://cnodejs.org" > CNodeJS.org< / a > Chinese community
< br / >
< a href = "http://nodejs.co.il" > nodejs.co.il< / a > Israeli wiki
< br / >
< a href = "http://nodejs.hk" > HKNoJ< / a > Hong Kong community
< br / >
< a href = "http://nodejs.tw" > nodejs.tw< / a > Taiwan community< / p >
< p > < a href = "/" > Go back to the home page< / a > < / p >
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< p > Copyright < a href = "http://joyent.com" > Joyent, Inc< / a > , Node.js
is a < a href = "trademark-policy.pdf" > trademark of Joyent, Inc< / a > .
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