"readme":"# npm-registry-client\n\nThe code that npm uses to talk to the registry.\n\nIt handles all the caching and HTTP calls.\n\n## Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar RegClient = require('npm-registry-client')\nvar client = new RegClient(config)\nvar uri = \"npm://registry.npmjs.org/npm\"\nvar options = {timeout: 1000}\n\nclient.get(uri, options, function (error, data, raw, res) {\n // error is an error if there was a problem.\n // data is the parsed data object\n // raw is the json string\n // res is the response from couch\n})\n```\n\n# Registry URLs\n\nThe registry calls take either a full URL pointing to a resource in the\nregistry, or a base URL for the registry as a whole (for the base URL, any path\nwill be ignored). In addition to `http` and `https`, `npm` URLs are allowed.\n`npm` URLs are `https` URLs with the additional restrictions that they will\nalways include authorization credentials, and the response is always registry\nmetadata (and not tarballs or other attachments).\n\n# Configuration\n\nThis program is designed to work with\n[npmconf](https://npmjs.org/package/npmconf), but you can also pass in\na plain-jane object with the appropriate configs, and it'll shim it\nfor you. Any configuration thingie that has get/set/del methods will\nalso be accepted.\n\n* `cache` **Required** {String} Path to the cache folder\n* `always-auth` {Boolean} Auth even for GET requests.\n* `auth` {String} A base64-encoded `username:password`\n* `email` {String} User's email address\n* `tag` {String} The default tag to use when publishing new packages.\n Default = `\"latest\"`\n* `ca` {String} Cerficate signing authority certificates to trust.\n* `cert` {String} Client certificate (PEM encoded). Enable access\n to servers that require client certificates\n* `key` {String} Private key (PEM encoded) for client certificate 'cert'\n* `strict-ssl` {Boolean} Whether or not to be strict with SSL\n certificates. Default = `true`\n* `user-agent` {String} User agent header to send. Default =\n `\"node/{process.version} {process.platform} {process.arch}\"`\n* `log` {Object} The logger to use. Defaults to `require(\"npmlog\")`if\nthatworks,otherwiselogsaredisabled.\n*`fetch-retries`{Number}NumberoftimestoretryonGETfailures.\nDefault=2\n*`fetch-retry-factor`{Number}`factor`settingfor`node-retry`.Default=10\n*`fetch-retry-mintimeout`{Number}`minTimeout`settingfor`node-retry`.\nDefault=10000(10seconds)\n*`fetch-retry-maxtimeout`{Number}`maxTimeout`settingfor`node-retry`.\nDefault=60000(60seconds)\n*`proxy`{URL}Theurltoproxyrequeststhrough.\n*`https-proxy`{URL}Theurltoproxyhttpsrequeststhrough.\nDefaultstobethesameas`proxy`ifunset.\n*`_auth`{String}Thebase64-encodedauthorizationheader.\n*`username``_password`{String}Username/passwordtousetogenerate\n`_auth`ifnotsupplied.\n*`_token`{Object}Atokenforusewith\n[couch-login](https://npmjs.org/package/couch-login)\n\n# client.request(method, uri, options, cb)\n\n* `method` {String} HTTP method\n* `uri` {String} URI pointing to the resource to request\n* `options` {Object} Object containing optional per-request properties.\n * `what` {Stream | Buffer | String | Object} The request body. Objects\n that are not Buffers or Streams are encoded as JSON.\n * `etag` {String} The cached ETag\n * `follow` {Boolean} Follow 302/301 responses (defaults to true)\n* `cb` {Function}\n * `error` {Error | null}\n * `data` {Object} the parsed data object\n * `raw` {String} the json\n * `res` {Response Object} response from couch\n\nMake a request to the registry. All the other methods are wrappers around\n`request`.\n\n# client.adduser(base, username, password, email, cb)\n\n* `base` {String} Base registry URL\n* `username` {String}\n* `password` {String}\n* `email` {String}\n* `cb` {Function}\n\nAdd a user account to the registry, or verify the credentials.\n\n# client.deprecate(uri, version, message, cb)\n\n* `uri` {String} Full registry URI for the deprecated package\n* `version` {String} S