doc: update buffer/typed array documentation

Clarify that typed array constructors accept buffers as their first
argument but that the memory is not shared and why this was changed
in v0.9.
Ben Noordhuis 2013-02-10 21:41:06 +01:00
parent 5a9d30bb86
commit 30b0bc4fa9
1 changed files with 8 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -40,22 +40,16 @@ encoding method. Here are the different string encodings.
* `'hex'` - Encode each byte as two hexadecimal characters.
`Buffer` can also be used with Typed Array Views and DataViews.
A `Buffer` object can also be used with typed arrays. The buffer object is
cloned to an `ArrayBuffer` that is used as the backing store for the typed
array. The memory of the buffer and the `ArrayBuffer` is not shared.
var buff = new Buffer(4);
var ui16 = new Uint16Array(buff);
var view = new DataView(buff);
NOTE: Node.js v0.8 simply retained a reference to the buffer in `array.buffer`
instead of cloning it.
ui16[0] = 1;
ui16[1] = 2;
view.setInt16(0, 1); // set big-endian int16 at byte offset 0
view.setInt16(2, 2, true); // set little-endian int16 at byte offset 2
// <Buffer 01 00 02 00>
// <Buffer 00 01 02 00>
While more efficient, it introduces subtle incompatibilities with the typed
arrays specification. `ArrayBuffer#slice()` and `Buffer#slice()` behave
differently when passed negative indices, for example.
## Class: Buffer