// wrapper around the non-sync fs functions to gracefully handle // having too many file descriptors open. Note that this is // *only* possible because async patterns let one interject timeouts // and other cleverness anywhere in the process without disrupting // anything else. var fs = require("fs") , timeout = 0 Object.keys(fs) .forEach(function (i) { exports[i] = (typeof fs[i] !== "function") ? fs[i] : (i.match(/^[A-Z]|^create|Sync$/)) ? function () { return fs[i].apply(fs, arguments) } : graceful(fs[i]) }) if (process.platform === "win32" && !process.binding("fs").lstat) { exports.lstat = exports.stat exports.lstatSync = exports.statSync } function graceful (fn) { return function GRACEFUL () { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) , cb_ = args.pop() args.push(cb) function cb (er) { if (er && er.message.match(/^EMFILE, Too many open files/)) { setTimeout(function () { GRACEFUL.apply(fs, args) }, timeout ++) return } timeout = 0 cb_.apply(null, arguments) } fn.apply(fs, args) }}