var assert = require("assert") var dirname = require("path").dirname var resolve = require("path").resolve var rimraf = require("rimraf") var lstat = require("graceful-fs").lstat var readdir = require("graceful-fs").readdir var rmdir = require("graceful-fs").rmdir var unlink = require("graceful-fs").unlink module.exports = vacuum function vacuum(leaf, options, cb) { assert(typeof leaf === "string", "must pass in path to remove") assert(typeof cb === "function", "must pass in callback") if (!options) options = {} assert(typeof options === "object", "options must be an object") var log = options.log ? options.log : function () {} var base = options.base if (base && resolve(leaf).indexOf(resolve(base)) !== 0) { return cb(new Error(resolve(leaf) + " is not a child of " + resolve(base))) } lstat(leaf, function (error, stat) { if (error) { if (error.code === "ENOENT") return cb(null) log(error.stack) return cb(error) } if (!(stat && (stat.isDirectory() || stat.isSymbolicLink() || stat.isFile()))) { log(leaf, "is not a directory, file, or link") return cb(new Error(leaf + " is not a directory, file, or link")) } if (options.purge) { log("purging", leaf) rimraf(leaf, function (error) { if (error) return cb(error) next(dirname(leaf)) }) } else if (!stat.isDirectory()) { log("removing", leaf) unlink(leaf, function (error) { if (error) return cb(error) next(dirname(leaf)) }) } else { next(leaf) } }) function next(branch) { // either we've reached the base or we've reached the root if ((base && resolve(branch) === resolve(base)) || branch === dirname(branch)) { log("finished vacuuming up to", branch) return cb(null) } readdir(branch, function (error, files) { if (error) { if (error.code === "ENOENT") return cb(null) log("unable to check directory", branch, "due to", error.message) return cb(error) } if (files.length > 0) { log("quitting because other entries in", branch) return cb(null) } log("removing", branch) lstat(branch, function (error, stat) { if (error) { if (error.code === "ENOENT") return cb(null) log("unable to lstat", branch, "due to", error.message) return cb(error) } var remove = stat.isDirectory() ? rmdir : unlink remove(branch, function (error) { if (error) { if (error.code === "ENOENT") return cb(null) log("unable to remove", branch, "due to", error.message) return cb(error) } next(dirname(branch)) }) }) }) } }