module.exports = star function star (uri, starred, cb) { var c = this.conf.getCredentialsByURI(uri) if (c.token) { return cb(new Error("This operation is unsupported for token-based auth")) } else if (!c.auth) { return cb(new Error("Must be logged in to star/unstar packages")) } this.request("GET", uri + "?write=true", null, function (er, fullData) { if (er) return cb(er) fullData = { _id: fullData._id , _rev: fullData._rev , users: fullData.users || {} } if (starred) {"starring", fullData._id) fullData.users[c.username] = true this.log.verbose("starring", fullData) } else { delete fullData.users[c.username]"unstarring", fullData._id) this.log.verbose("unstarring", fullData) } return this.request("PUT", uri, { body : fullData }, cb) }.bind(this)) }